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got mine today - ordered it last week :)
it looks pretty good for a <$4 unit
Got mine Tuesday with a box of gallon bags. It looks like a handly little sealer. I have not had anything to use it on yet, but I think I might use it for a marinade pretty quick.

I do think I will get the ziplock bags if I get more soon. They are about half the price.
used mine today on my kids lunches. Worked like a charm. definatley got a deal.
I got mine today.It worked with the Ziploc bags as well.Great deal
Mine showed up while I was out of town. I haven't even opened the box. :(

The real test will be several weeks down the road when someone takes something out of the freezer that they used this on.
Got mine yesterday but have yet to use it.
Alas, the extra bags I ordered do not appear to work with the hand-held version.
The extra bags are quart size, non-zip type; no hole to insert vac etc.
I will see about returning the bags to get the right ones that can be used.
Got mine yesterday, already storing some smoked turkey in one of the deli containers. Hoping it will extend the fridge life expectancy. Easy to use (surprised I actually let it charge the full 24 hours as recommended).
Mine is on it's way. And, as I was ordering it, the boss was reading over my shoulder "How much?? Shut up!! Order me one, and I'll give you 10 bucks for it...."

Don't know what I'm getting in the middle of, but I got most of my order for free....