Fire Roasted Green Chili Fatty Poppers

Did you flip them? Let the thefting begin.

No I didn't flip them, they were a little more crispy on the bottom, flipping would be fine I imagine, although I didn't find it necessary. Theft away! Heck find a way to make them better I say!

Leftovers?!?! Those look awesome indeed!

Thanks Gary, and I hear you about the leftovers, there was a ton of food at the party as usual, it was fine with me though cause those egg sammiches the next day were farking KILLER!

Awesome Jason if I knew you were doing that I would have been over

Sorry about that George, I'll have to give you a heads up next time. :thumb:

Man, those look good! I assume you were cooking them indirect?

Thanks Gnaws, and yep, I cooked them indirect with the plate setter in.

looks like the beginnings of a new tradition....way to go. Hope when yourself or someone else replicates these we get to see some money shots....

I'm hoping someone makes them soon, I'm jonesing for that money shot myself! I can't believe I forgot the camera. :tsk:
I have a bunch of roasted chili's and now have a reason to use them. I never thought of making little ravioli fatties.