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Rusty -
Clearly your are passionate about BBQ. Are you happy sitting at home, knowing there is a BBQ contest you could be competing at? I sure wouldn't be. I'd be depressed that I'm not there, and not very happy. Your wife know this. Take the hint she is giving you.

Garrison Keillor said "Live a rich full life - or know other people who live rich full lives, and tell stories about them." Although your accident cost you some money, you now have a great story to tell. That's one of the reasons to BBQ. You don't get too many great stories from work, or sitting home, but you do from getting out there on the weekend, and meeting other BBQers, the public, and competing. Live!

Stop making a big deal out being "Amateur" vs. "Pro." Out in my neck of the woods, there is really no such thing. Either your Pro, or your cooking in your own backyard. I cooked my first 4 meat contest without practicing a brisket, because I spent my time getting my trailer ready for the first contest of the year. I sat in the trailer at the contest with a book with a few pictures of how a trimmed whole packer brisket looked. I came in 11th out of 24 in brisket, and 11th overall. I was 50 years old, cooked the contest by myself on 2 22" WSM's, and I'm a woman. BBQers who are "Pro" put on their pants just like everyone else, so stop being in awe. You know more than you think already.

If it is your desire, you can make it happen!
My first question is did joeraz pay you to write this post? :tape:

Then, if you do want to compete, you should post a lot of questions's great when tduffy chimes in :popcorn:

Competing is about having fun....just you posting about competing can be fun for many of of luck no matter what you decide!

Just about spit up my coffee reading that :becky:. Awesome :-D

But Rusty if you have the funds to get rolling in it again then do it man! :clap2: You'll never know until you keep giving it a swing.
I wish you luck with whatever decision you make. I don't know your age or financial status but you need to seriously consider putting money away in savings for future, retirement/emergencies needs and not depend on credit cards to get you past those situations.
If you have to fund your hobby using credit cards, I say don't do it. There is a financial rule that says a one should have at least 6 months of income in savings for emergencies. But as you get older, that amount needs to start including replacing your income with retirement savings as well. Competing at even the minimal level as I do will cost you about $600 a contest. That is if you have enough equipment now without going out to buy more.
You have to sit down with your wife and discuss your future income prospects, how long you want to keep working and then decide. Good luck with your decision.
Ok well thanks for the advice. It is appreciated. The cards are being paid off before we compete. One of the main reasons she is pushing me is that right there frees up a lot of money. No we are not using the cards to compete we just won't have that bill anymore. My college debt is gone. Just paid it off last month. That felt pretty good. Honestly she is right we will be just fine and we actually have built a decent savings for emergencies. One of the things I have been really pushing.

I think three contests would really be pushing it but feasible. I think just cooking 1 for this year would be a good start.
Its really not going to break the bank.

Really not a lot to buy since we have everything from a couple years ago.

Not certain yet. I will let you know if we take the plunge.

If I don't let you know then my wife has beaten me to death for going back and forth so much.:shocked:

You think I drive you all nuts try being My wife now she is really driven Looney by me. She is a saint for putting up with me.

She once slept in the back of a Buick lesabre at a contest while pregnant with our daughter. I think she may have wanted to kill me.

Then we were at the Almost Heaven BBQ Bash in Buckhannon WV. That was insane. Anyone that was there couple years back remember the heat then the driving rain? Got some help to get the tent down and wound up cutting the ribs in the front seat of the car and built the box. Ran it to turn in a down pour. It stopped after I got back to our site. Was cooking on a 14.5" wsm. That thing was solid on temps all day long. 4 racks of ribs crammed in the top in a brinkmann rib rack. I trim out the middle of a full rack just to fit them and cook the best section of the ribs. It was so damn fun. My wife built the one garnish box that day. She never had done it before. She just did it. I forget what station but did a radio interview that day. It was pretty exciting. Our one and only so far first place ribs call. I still have it hanging in our living room. It was just an awesome day. I wish I had pictures but I don't have a single one. It was a blast. Still we have the memories.

Probably time to get back up and see what happens. I probably am going to get my arse handed to me but you don't know unless you try.
I thought for a minute this thread Might die. Thanks for the update.

Your cost can really be quite simple. Entry fee, meat, rub and sauces. Everything else you should have in the kitchen or left over from the last contest.
She once slept in the back of a Buick lesabre at a contest while pregnant with our daughter. I think she may have wanted to kill me.

If I remember correctly, she wasn't just pregnant, she was almost full term. She was a trooper that weekend! I hope you're planning to cook at the "asylum" this year. We'd love to see the two ...errr 3 of you.

Rusty, our team tries to compete at least one time per year in the North Atlantic area. We haven't picked which comp yet, but maybe we can meet up 2017.
Make sure your wife knows you will spend $800 on your first contest, and you won't win any of that back. If you can afford to do it, and she's OK with you spending that money, go for it.

You won't get GOOD doing one contest a year...I think you doing at least 5 to get some benefit from trial and error...but it's certainly a place to start to see of you LIKE it.

That's what it's all about, right? You have to ask A) Can I afford this? and B) Do I enjoy it? Only way to answer B is jump in and see.

If you are doing one contest a year, you can be selective about what that contest is. Minimize risk by start starting close to home. I've driven 3000 miles to a contest before, and others on here have too, but that's not something to do when you are trying to get your feet wet. (and you will get your feet wet, it always rains at a bbq contest)
Wise words...

Make sure your wife knows you will spend $800 on your first contest, and you won't win any of that back. If you can afford to do it, and she's OK with you spending that money, go for it.

You won't get GOOD doing one contest a year...I think you doing at least 5 to get some benefit from trial and error...but it's certainly a place to start to see of you LIKE it.

That's what it's all about, right? You have to ask A) Can I afford this? and B) Do I enjoy it? Only way to answer B is jump in and see.

If you are doing one contest a year, you can be selective about what that contest is. Minimize risk by start starting close to home. I've driven 3000 miles to a contest before, and others on here have too, but that's not something to do when you are trying to get your feet wet. (and you will get your feet wet, it always rains at a bbq contest)
CBQ has very wise words, as others said. The running joke is we spend $800 trying to win $500. There have been contests and months we have skipped because of cost concerns, but we still try and compete in several per year, it's a really good time with a great group of guys on the team. AND the people you meet at a contest are the best in the world. Make sure at your first couple of contests you introduce yourself to other teams, and let them know it's your first. Teams will go out of their way to help you and make sure you have a good experience. Good luck!
I say erring on the side of caution is a wise thing. Comps are expensive. They are a great to do, but you a spend a good amount of money each competition.

Don't use debt to compete, save up the money to pay for all competition related expenses. I took the 2016 competition season off because I wanted to pay off all my debt to put me in a better financial position to be able to compete without any fiscal hangover.

Also make sure you do have an emergency fund set aside for any emergencies not related to competitions. This will cover any emergencies like you had with your accident heading to the Shade Tree. It will suck to have to write that check or hand over that cash, but you have it and it won't destroy you financially.

If you do decide to go with what your wife says. Look at 1-2 competitions that are relatively local too you. It will scratch the itch of competing and you aren't having to pay a bunch of travel costs. I have 3 competitions a year that are within an hour from my house. Those are the only ones I consider mainly because I want to keep my travel costs down.
Using the contest finder there are 6 events within 200 miles.

Pretty decent chances than 1 or 2 will be a good fit for you

Thanks for the suggestions. I guess you guys missed the Sam's Club thread. We are competing in Harrisburg... Go big or go home right? :) see you all in Harrisburg if you are going. We are paid up too. So it's a go for sure we are in.