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Thanks for the suggestions. I guess you guys missed the Sam's Club thread. We are competing in Harrisburg... Go big or go home right? :) see you all in Harrisburg if you are going. We are paid up too. So it's a go for sure we are in.

I most certainly did miss that. Wow, great to hear. It will be a lot of fun between now and June 10 :biggrin1:
I most certainly did miss that. Wow, great to hear. It will be a lot of fun between now and June 10 :biggrin1:

Yeah I already got a practice schedule planned. Tomorrow ribs, Sunday chicken, next Saturday and Sunday pork butt, the following weekend brisket. From there repeat it all over again. Weekend before the contest full cook of all 4 meats.

Don't worry I plan to keep My mouth shut and the boxes off the web. No need to repeat driving you all insane. Don't get me wrong the feedback was necessary but I think I may have driven a few of you completely insane. It definitely made me a better cook.