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somebody shut me the fark up.
Nov 29, 2012
Name or Nickame
Just completed a marathon 11 hour drive from Fort Wayne, IN... had a fantastic time with family during the days leading up to tomorrow's High School Graduation ceremonies.

Thought about harassing Fwismoker, but my own kin made sure I kept the fires lit.

Fired up the "outlaws'" smoker and whipped up a batch of my smoked wings, and a grilled batch of Jamaican Jerk wings using Walkerswood seasoning.


Once the family and friends were placated with wings, I decided to wrap up the visit with some baby backs from Jamison Meats.


Not only was I impressed with the wings we purchased on Weds, but I couldn't believe that they'd already removed the membrane from the back of the ribs when I got 'em home on Thurs!

Deciding to experiment a little with some lump, I grabbed a new bag of Cowboy Lump charcoal and used several chunks of hickory during the 4 hour smoke. The 1/2 pint of hard cider that I used as braising liquid when I foiled 'em for 45 min probably didn't hurt, either.


I tried both the bend and the toothpick tests (I'd just been reading the thread when it was time to take them off the smoker)... and neither was a perfect judge. I will say that I have significantly more experience with the bend test, and it gave me good results this time.


My mother-in-law's homemade banana pudding sure was delicious.... and this tasty beverage wrapped up the evening:


Hope this finds you all well and planning some deliciousness this weekend.

Kind regards,
Ribs look perfect! And nice choice of beverages. I used to live about an hour from the Southern Tier brewery. It's located right near Lake Chautauqua and the two made for a great day. How did you like the Creme Brulee?
Thanks for the kind words above.

Ribs look perfect! And nice choice of beverages. I used to live about an hour from the Southern Tier brewery. It's located right near Lake Chautauqua and the two made for a great day. How did you like the Creme Brulee?

I discovered Southern Tier about 2 years ago on a trip to Chicago. I discovered their Creme Brûlée on that same excursion, and I ALWAYS look for it when in the northern mid-west.

This bottle tasted just as the others have - an amazing stout that conveys the vanilla richness with that delicious, slightly burnt sugar coating in the "real thing." I'd damn-near get a central line with this stuff directly in my blood stream... (swapped out with coffee in the mornings, mind you).
Thanks for the kind words above.

I discovered Southern Tier about 2 years ago on a trip to Chicago. I discovered their Creme Brûlée on that same excursion, and I ALWAYS look for it when in the northern mid-west.

This bottle tasted just as the others have - an amazing stout that conveys the vanilla richness with that delicious, slightly burnt sugar coating in the "real thing." I'd damn-near get a central line with this stuff directly in my blood stream... (swapped out with coffee in the mornings, mind you).

I'm sold! I'll be looking for that one my next time out! Thanks!