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Camille Eonich

Full Fledged Farker
Aug 7, 2008
Granite Quarry, NC
Ok I saw this on bon Appetit and knew that y'all would be interested and that someone here would have either already tried it or would try it and give us a review. I'm thinking that there is no way that a deep fried Porterhouse can compare to a nicely done grilled one.

I am looking forward to the comments on this one.

We get it: Cooking a steak can be intimidating. Especially a $50 steak. But this technique, from H. Alexander Talbot and Aki Kamozawa, the genius folks behind cooking blog Ideas in Food, is fool-proof. Read on for 8 steps to porterhouse perfection—and check out the video for the step-by-step.
1. Score It
Use a sharp knife to make ¼”-thick incisions in the meat, about 1″ apart. Sound crazy? It allows the seasoning to better penetrate the meat, which is important when you’re working with an ultra-thick cut of steak, like a porterhouse. Repeat this technique on both sides, then season generously. What do we mean by “generously”? For each pound of steak, go for 1 tablespoon sugar, 1 tablespoon salt, and ½ teaspoon cayenne pepper. The sugar will caramelize when it hits the heat, making for a browner crust. Pat the seasoning into the meat with your fingers to ensure that none falls off.
2. Let It Rest
You know you’re supposed to let steak rest after cooking it, but you should also let it chill out in the fridge for a full 24 hours before it hits the flame. Set the steak bone side-down on a rack-lined sheet pan, and keep it in the fridge for a day. Not only will the seasoning get deep into the meat, but also standing it on its end will allow air to circulate, allowing the steak to dry out. A drier surface makes for a better sear.
3. Freeze It
Stay with us here: After your steak has chilled out for 24 hours, let it really chill out: Pop it in the freezer for 4-6 hours. Once the steak hits the heat, the ice crystals that form in the meat will help tenderize it—no pounding required.

This method is labor-intensive, but oh-so-worth it. Photo: Michael Graydon & Nikole Herriott
4. Fry It
Wait, what? Yep, we want you to deep-fry your steak, right when it comes out of the freezer. Use a neutral oil with a high smoke point, like canola, and fill the pan with enough oil so that it comes halfway up the steak. Wait for the oil to reach 350˚, then gently and carefully lower the steak in. Aim for 3-4 minutes per side, and be cautious when flipping—hot oil splatters! Searing helps lock in the seasoning, but you’re not done yet.
5. Roast It
After the first fry, let it roast in a 200˚ oven on a rack-lined sheet pan for 30 minutes. The meat will continue cooking evenly without getting too dark.
6. Baste It
A blend of melted, browned butter and seasoning (we like fragrant vadouvan, but use whatever you’re into) will add color and tons of mouth-watering flavor to your steak. After it has roasted for 30 minutes, use a spoon or pastry brush to coat the steak with the spiced butter. Place it back in the oven and keep continue to roast, basting frequently, until the internal temperature reads 120˚. This will take about 1–1 ½ hours.
7. Fry It…Again
That slow roast will have turned your steak tender and juicy. But it also means you will have lost the gorgeous, crackly crust from the first fry. So back in the frying pan we go (you can use the same oil as the first time). 350˚and two minutes per side will do the trick.
8. Let It Rest…Again
You’re almost there! Let the steak rest for at least 10 minutes, or all your hard work will be wasted. Cutting into a steak too quickly will mean the juices pool on the cutting board, not on your fork, where you want them. Cut the meat away from the bone and slice before serving, then dig in. You’ve definitely earned this one.
I hope I got the rules right on sharing from another site.
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Choice: labor intensive cook with the lovely infusion of hot canola oil, OR relaxed cook with the infusion of any number of great hardwood smoke. Guess there is no choice.:doh:
I'm certainly not sure about the "science" behind it, but I don't see why it wouldn't work, and no reason it wouldn't taste great. I would take issue with the use of the term "deep-fry", as I picture deep frying as "fully submerging in hot oil" whatever is being cooked. I would like to hear from anyone who has actually tried it tho.

Where does the smokey flavor come from?
Do you infuse the canola oil with liquid smoke?
It does sound delicious, but if I dropped $50 on a cut of beef, it ain't gonna find itself in a frying pan.

Just sayin'.
I wouldn't try it on a T-bone or Porterhouse but I might try it on a sirloin. The oil from the deep frying would add some fat to an already leaner cut of meat and might add some flavor. It's different but I aint skerd...
I'd rather throw it on indirect then reverse sear on hot cast iron to get the desired doneness. It takes all of 10-20 minutes and I'm eating before this gets to the second frying.
Do it to a milk bone and then try feeding to your dog first, :doh: that is if you hate your dog , before you spend $50 on a steak!:hand: