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Long Island Chef Series:
Remaining Dates & Times in Garden City, New York:
Qty Price Date and Time Format Venue Type Status Sold Out $10 Saturday, June 6, 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm Guest Chef D Student Sold Out Sold Out $10 Saturday, September 19, 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm Guest Chef D Student Sold Out Venue legend: D = Demo Theater, HO = Hands-on Kitchen, OG = Outdoor Grill, WT = Wine Tasting Room, RF = Retail Floor, AS = Appliance Showroom, TC = Training Center, SK = Showcase Kitchen

It sold out at 40 people but just come as my guest. It's a big cook studio.
3 hours and counting. Wish me luck. I'm planning to flip the script on cooking classes and teach it like it's a bbq or grilling contest. Should be interesting! I'm going to try to video tape part of it.
Not sure why I decided to do this. Butts are at 180*. Gonna crank the heat a bit. 2 hours til show time.
Just added a 4th recipe. Cereal crusted grilled bananas. We'll see if I have time to pull it off.
Go with Fajitas.. Most people can do the skirt or flank steak. Its the grilling of the veggies that scares people. Also grilled fish is interesting to the occasinal griller.

Appearntly I posted too late. I hope everything went great!
Two things I always do at demos are chciken tenders and smoked pineapple. Quick, tasty, both pick up smoke flavor fast. I like to have time to sell my product, not be so consumed trying to rush things. Save time to talk, not have your back to your guests.Steve.
Man!!!! I didn't want to go this morning but once I got started it was awesome! I was so busy cooking and answering questions I didn't get to shoot video, but I knocked out a ton of recipes and tips. And those folks ate 2 of the best pork shoulders I have ever cooked, plus slaw, coffee rubbed flank steak, personalized bbq sauce, grilled macerated pineapple, and the banana experiment. My wife took some pix that I'll post in a minute.
I couldn't take video and I gave the camera to my wife to take pictures. She didn't realize that I had the flash turned off for food pictures so this is what I got. If there's blurry pictures it still happened, right?





I didn't realize they had tv cameras until I saw the pix. That was awesome! I wish some of the local brethren could have come. They asked me to come back so I have to figure out another date that works.
I tried to make it down there to see you and to also pick up my knives I dropped off there but had to much going on today. Will definitely make the next one
next time hire a photographer :wink:

that looks like the big time!

hey, where's the trix encrusted banana recipe? i'd like to see that...
next time hire a photographer :wink:

that looks like the big time!

hey, where's the trix encrusted banana recipe? i'd like to see that...

That was kind of a failure, though the recipe works. I think people enjoyed the fact that I made stuff up as I went along. I finished the pineapple (soaked for an hour in orange liquor and sugar then grilled with a sweet and spicey rub then brushed with a mixed berry sauce we made from frozen berries) then saw we had 10 minutes left so grabbed the bananas, an egg, some confectioners sugar, and a little box of honey nut cherios and asked the audience if they dared me to try to make another dish!

I crushed the cherios, sliced the bananas, coated the bananas in the powdered sugar, then egg, then cereal and grilled them. Served with the leftover berry sauce. Not sure how they tasted but they needed more cereal then a single little box.
And the guy in the last picture was awesome. He was plating 50 or so pulled pork sliders as I cooked steak or grilled cauliflower or something. They washed my utensils three or four times while I was cooking and I was like "normally I just wipe them off on my shirt".