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So I've been asked to do a BBQ/grilling demo at a local Viking cooking school this June and need to figure out how to fill the 1.5 hours. Still waiting to hear if the Viking cooking rig will be there so I can cook outside, otherwise I'll make due indoors.

I was thinking of doing one of the KCBS competition categories to start with, showing how to prep a brisket or butt then have finished product on hand to sample.

Then maybe some things to do on the grill. Any thoughts? I've never done a class before.

Maybe a flat iron steak, tritip or hanger steak to show how to cook (and slice) some different cuts. Finished with compound butter.

Then a side like grilled potato salad with watercress, bacon and blue cheese. Or I've made a grilled panzanella (tomato and bread) salad that's pretty awesome.

Ended with grilled macerated pineapple with a mixed berry glaze? Sound OK?
Sounds good to me. I like the steak ideas, but I'm not so hot on doing brisket. I think it would be hard to get across the actual amount of time required to cook it. JMHO

Maybe you could do some semi-slow cooked (say about 45-60 minutes using a smoke box or bomb) chicken quarters and finish them by grilling.

When we (Billy & I) have done demo's, Pizza seemed another 'cool' item that people don't realize how easy it is to prepare out doors.
Sounds good to me. I like the steak ideas, but I'm not so hot on doing brisket. I think it would be hard to get across the actual amount of time required to cook it. JMHO

Maybe you could do some semi-slow cooked (say about 45-60 minutes using a smoke box or bomb) chicken quarters and finish them by grilling.

When we (Billy & I) have done demo's, Pizza seemed another 'cool' item that people don't realize how easy it is to prepare out doors.

Yeah, pizzas a great option too,maybe as an appetizer. The problem is they really want to see what real bbq is all about and what it takes to do a contest, thus the quick precooked demo. Butts may be best so I can show how it falls apart when done right then make sliders.
Congrats on the gig SIDE !! Where is it located ?

Anyway... I'm sure you'll come up with a great menu.. my only suggestion here would be to limit the # of items to prepare/demo.. 1.5 hrs is a very small amount of time especially if there will be interaction with the attendees for questions..

I think you'd do a better job by focusing and giving your all on 1-2 items and having some more time to discuss detail etc.. Then you can talk a little more about history, misc. fun facts etc

What's the demographic of the class participants ?
I think Vinny makes a good point. Trying to do too much in that limited amount of time could only lead to frustration. 1 or 2 items sounds like the ticket, where do I sign up?
If I was called on to do that demo I'd think long and hard about showing how to prepare St Louis cut from spares, or chicken thighs and drumsticks from chicken leg quarters.

If you preprep and have some of the same already cooking, you can also do the "and here are some I prepared earlier" routine! :biggrin:
I think Vinny makes a good point. Trying to do too much in that limited amount of time could only lead to frustration. 1 or 2 items sounds like the ticket, where do I sign up?

I think anyone can come. June 6 around 1pm at the Viking store in Garden City, NY. The cooking equipment is still up in the air while Viking confirms whether the rig can get here and whether they can get the town to grants permits. That said, I'm planning on cooking on the indoor grill in their classroom kitchen.

A lot of work to do.
First off, trust me, 90 minutes will go by in a flash!

The main piece of advice I can give you on doing demos is MAKE SURE that you demo things that your viewers can easily replicate. Get people involved in success. Don't set them up for failure.

You need to be sure you know what devices you will be using and maybe even what things the school wants to feature. The whole point of hosting demos is to SELL stuff. You want to work with the client (in this case, Viking) and tailor the demo to their needs. Also, keep in mind that you be doing your demo the month before the July 4th holiday, so keeping that in mind, you MAY want to focus on foods that flow into a family party type theme.

If given free reign, I'd look at doing something along the lines of an appetizer (Anything with shrimp is GREAT in this regard because it's fast, elegant and easy to do. Maybe bacon wrapped shrimp skewered with a sliver of jalapeño tucked into the middle), a couple of main meats (I like your idea of tri-tip "Santa Maria Style"? and pork butt Indirect Cooked with the use of a smoker box, maybe), perhaps a veggie dish of some sort (pull in the "veggie crowd" and it makes a great side dish), and a dessert (LOVE the pineapple idea or maybe grilled bananas). Yes, speaking from experience, you can easily do all of these in a single 90 min demo. (15 min per dish with 15 min left for intro and closing) If you feel like this is too many for you to do in that time, cut off desert or the appetizer.

I LOVE demo work. It's a great way to gain exposure for myself and my company and make a little money while doing it. Make it fun. Make it friendly. Keep it simple. Most of all, Enjoy Yourself.
Class is next Saturday from 12-2pm if anyone wants to come hang out.
I'm doing competition pork shoulder, served on mini buns with some doctorfied store bought sauce and an easy memphis-style slaw. Then coffee rubbed flat iron steaks with grilled cauliflower followed by chili and cinnamon rubbed grilled pineapple with a mixed berry "bbq sauce".
Dare I say it? Ok, why not... MOINK balls! Show them how easy it is to put together tasty appetizers. Throw in an ABT or two as well...

Unfortunately I have to cook inside and fast so I'm very limited on what I can pull off. I'd love to do some apps.
Sold out?


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Long Island Chef Series:
Remaining Dates & Times in Garden City, New York:
Qty Price Date and Time Format Venue Type Status Sold Out $10 Saturday, June 6, 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm Guest Chef D Student Sold Out Sold Out $10 Saturday, September 19, 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm Guest Chef D Student Sold Out Venue legend: D = Demo Theater, HO = Hands-on Kitchen, OG = Outdoor Grill, WT = Wine Tasting Room, RF = Retail Floor, AS = Appliance Showroom, TC = Training Center, SK = Showcase Kitchen
I was lucky enough to be one of two assistants helping Chris Lilly last month when he did his cooking class in Knoxville. The time does pass VERY quickly.

Whatever items you prepare, it would be very helpful to have the recipes printed, copied, and stapled as handouts for your participants. (Preferably printed up on the dealer's letterhead or with their logo and address).