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Who should be decared the winner of the BBQ Brethren "Taco" Throwdown?

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  • Poll closed .
Had to go with Moose. The Pico was the deciding factor. There were 4-5 contenders. A good pico provides texture, additional flavor, and when done right brings flavors together. A quality pico, requires no salsa but it was there if needed.

Toast was in it until the last second. The variety was great, and a plate I'd have enjoyed trying to polish off.

Bob scored major points with the verde sauce on the chicken, but lost me with weinies in the beans. Is that some El Paso thing?
What about the eggplant lovers? I couldn't even get a vote from Eggplantman. Now, what's that all about? :tsk:

I thought we covered this? :tsk:

Eggplant lovers yes, but eggplants themselves... :shocked:

That's like asking the few remaining survivors of the Donner party to vote for BBQ'd... well... um... oh, nevermind. :mmph:
arrachera arrachera arrachera arrachera arrachera arrachera arrachera arrachera arrachera arrachera arrachera arrachera arrachera arrachera
Did somebody say something???
OK, running out of time. Time to play the bribe card. A Free Margarita for every vote that goes Toast's way. Yes, you heard it right! Please read conditions below:

The recipient of aforementioned "Free Margarita" agrees to the following terms and conditions.

1. A notarized Proof of legal drinking age document from your state of residence must be submitted.
2. The recipient agrees to pay all shipping and handling charges incurred (not to exceed $50.00 US).
3. The recipient further agrees to vote for Toast in all future Throwdowns even if said Toast enters something resembling a Spamfish.

Whoa, I feel better now. Guess I just need to sit back and wait for the votes to start rolling in.
Hell, I can make my own margarita. Show me the SPAMfish!:whoo:

I can see by your so called Spamfish that you are a mere rookie in the ways of our finned friends. If I do it, some poor innocent elusive Louisiana Black Bass will have to give it's life. And for what? A presentation. Think long and hard about this my Friend. On your own shoulders be it.
Are you trying to make me feel sorry for the tilapia?:shock:

If so, then the only thing that could make up for such a tragic waste of sea life would be for the SPAMFish to win!

Justice for the SPAMFish! Vote for the SPAMFish! Don't let it's death and subsequent treatment during cooking and presentation take away from the value of it's precious life!:drama:


Maybe I should reconsider this whole vegan thing...

I hope none of the fish were thrown out at Sam's when they expired!:shock:
Well, I know everyone here loves puppies, and would definitely vote for a puppy. So we'll see how the SPAMFish stacks up with the puppy sympathizers!

Go SPAMFish!
Well, I know everyone here loves puppies, and would definitely vote for a puppy. So we'll see how the SPAMFish stacks up with the puppy sympathizers!

Go SPAMFish!

Look at my avatar. I would not do pup pizzicato. But what would be a good title for said Bass creation? Bass Burger? Bass Burrito? Hmmmm, how about Bass with creamed minnow sauce?