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Who should be decared the winner of the BBQ Brethren "Taco" Throwdown?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Ahem.... In the "Cook like a Bigabyte" TD I made a Basserole (well sort of) I used Spam of the Sea instead of Bass in fact my Spam of the Sea balls from that TD will forever grace the wall of flame as the mother of all special rules short bus squirrel and foil hat points survivors. :becky:
I sure wish I would have had the time to enter this throwdown. Maybe next year.
I finally got a chance to look at all the entries. WOW, that took some time.
This throwdown was real hard to choose and I think some of the entries would have got my vote if I had just got to see how they were cooked. But because of that I had to go with Moose the Ribeye murderer! Fantastic Entry Moose!
One thing we do have here in So Cal is lots of great Mexican food.
I know it has changed the way I make tacos and from what I learned from this throwdown I can see many more changes will be made.
I sure wish I would have had the time to enter this throwdown. Maybe next year.
I finally got a chance to look at all the entries. WOW, that took some time.
This throwdown was real hard to choose and I think some of the entries would have got my vote if I had just got to see how they were cooked. But because of that I had to go with Moose the Ribeye murderer! Fantastic Entry Moose!
One thing we do have here in So Cal is lots of great Mexican food.
I know it has changed the way I make tacos and from what I learned from this throwdown I can see many more changes will be made.

I too have learned a lot from this TD. Man you CA. Folks do have some fine Mexican cuisine. All are Great entries (except spamfish) :-D

Most of all I've learned, This is FUN!
I too have learned a lot from this TD. Man you CA. Folks do have some fine Mexican cuisine. All are Great entries (except spamfish) :-D

Most of all I've learned, This is FUN!

Oooooo, I had a GREAT enty, not a good entry, but a GREAT entry. :whoo:

(Toast likes tofu, pass it on)
Oh my Glory! what a throwdown! all awesome entries. Gore, you never cease to amaze me with your creativity!!.
All that being said. the one that reminds me most of my local favorite taco bar is
BBQchicken. Thank you all for your efforts!
Well I hope that BigBlock don't get pizzed at me... I done ruined his goose egg...
Seriously, that double decker chicken an' beef was just too nice of a taco to earn a ZERO... The pics def weren't in your favor, but that didn't stop me from wanting a bite!

I'm sure there were others that woulda voted but were afraid of wreckin yer 0... well ah ain't skeer'd! :mrgreen:

Nice work! :thumb: