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is one Smokin' Farker
Apr 28, 2010
Somewhere, TX
Name or Nickame
I joined this forum long ago for UDS information and never got around to building one. Then came the kits, and the prefabbed versions (PBC, Hunsaker, Gateway) and I got the itch all over again - but never pulled the trigger.

Found this little gem by the side of the road waiting on the metal scavengers to scoop it up and thought I'd beat them to it.


So, I'm soliciting ideas for turning this into a UDS or other type of cooker. While its origin was a Craftsman air compressor, somebody wanted an air storage tank - thus the oxygen regulator and schrader valve on top. As a UDS it might only hold one or two pork butts (about 16" dia.) but still the price is spot on. Thinking of cutting the cap end off the top and banding it for a lid, which puts the cooking grate below the top - caps are pretty heavy by themselves.

Again, any ideas - thoughts - encouragement - discouragement is welcome. This is more of a placeholder thread as my current project list is full. Thanks for looking.
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Not much help here .... but ..... I like the wheel set up ..... maybe model it after a drum smoker .... rebar and hooks to hangs stuff on .... maybe a grate about 6in from the top .... put the cutoff top on a hinge ???? I know ... a lot of bad suggestions . I'm sure you'll figure it out. Keep us in the loop.
Not much help here .... but ..... I like the wheel set up ..... maybe model it after a drum smoker .... rebar and hooks to hangs stuff on .... maybe a grate about 6in from the top .... put the cutoff top on a hinge ???? I know ... a lot of bad suggestions . I'm sure you'll figure it out. Keep us in the loop.

Liking the short top with lowered grate thought. Hinge suggestion is huge.

I'll know more once I cut the thing open. Thanks for the input.
So .. it's been a while but I finally got back to my UDS project. Got the lid cut and the interior cleaned up. I would like to get some guidance on inlet location as it relates to the ash pan. I can have the inlets below the pan or above it while still being below the fire basket. I'll have four 3/4" inlets. The inlet piping can be extended to serve as a rest for the ash pan but it would be easier to set the ash pan on the very bottom. Any help is appreciated. Progress pic...

Might pass on the UDS. Not certain of the distance of the proposed grate to the top of the fire source of that tank. If it had 18- 20 inches, I'd lean toward a direct heat cooker. UDS almost demands that the vessel be sealed up tightly... you have a whole stinking basket of charcoal- the only way you keep temps down and cook times long is to only let in enough oxygen to keep certain amount of charcoal lit and no more. If size permits, cut a door in the bottom side to act as a fuel door and air inlet. ok - it's the same basic idea- except it does not need to be as airtight and you can add wood /coals as needed for a cook. (in before the "MY uds has a door" 99.9999999 don't and all for the same reason) :-D
The height from bottom of fire grate to cooking grate may be an issue. This is a pretty short cooker for sure. I'm hoping to eek out the 18" - 20" distance but lots depends on the fire basket dimension - TBD. The UDS threads seem to prefer a minimum 24" distance, which can't be met.

Air tight is the goal.... I'm planning on a minimum 1/2" flange for the lid seal and maybe some gasket material. Worst case is I can convert to a direct cooker later - that would be pretty easy.

So far.... zero dollars invested in material. :thumb:
I would like to get some guidance on inlet location as it relates to the ash pan. I can have the inlets below the pan or above it while still being below the fire basket. I'll have four 3/4" inlets.

Below the fire basket! Ball valves are nice but, anything you can adjust the airflow with will work fine. Be cautious of wind considerations so, one doesn't load up the heat on one side of the fire basket or blow the fire out!
Brother - as for inlets, I REALLY like 90 degree 3/4" black iron elbows with disc magnets (from Harbor freight or whoever). They are greatness. 3 of those and you are SET.

Not sure who I "stole" that from- but they have my thanks.
So.... One man's trash....................


Can be turned into another man's treasure...........


The fire basket is complete with the exception of the legs. I need to set the intakes prior to that. The side material was in pretty bad shape and almost not worth dealing with. I hoped for a 12" diameter basket but ended up with only a 10" basket. Still, it should be enough for proof of concept until I can score some more scrap and redo it.

Thanks for looking.
Slow progress thanks to upper respiratory crud but I finally felt like getting back to the shop and the UDS cooker project. I got the intake nipples welded in place - four of them with three needing caps and the fourth a ball valve for fine tuning temps.


Once these were in place I could finish out the fire basket and ash pan assembly. The ash pan was a donated paella dish with the handles bent upward. Some re-bar legs placed the bottom of the fire basket just above the top on the intake nipples. This largely completes the lower portion of the cooker


Yesterday I gave the plasma cutter a workout with a template project.... what these are for will be revealed later. Not totally freehand but certainly not CNC quality. Full disclosure - - - the grinder got a workout as well.


Still a long ways to go but I'm in no hurry and everyday I seem to dream up another feature I'd like to add. Thanks for looking.
Gosh... Has it really been 5 months since my last update??? Some progress has been made. I did a test burn to see if this would even work and it passed no problem. You can see what the little cut-outs cited above made -- 18 pieces total. It made a nice sealing edge for the top. It still needed some more farkles thanks to the earlier suggestions.


I needed a custom cooking grate and settled for a Weber 22" charcoal grate, a hand formed ring of the right diameter, some welding and cutting. Fits like a dream. Putting together some more pics soon. Thanks for looking.

Fast forward again to a more recent time. Exhaust vent, handles, temp gauge, hinge, locking clamps and others have now been added. Also, now the sealing rim has been made round and internal banding was added.


Close-up hinge shots... not elegant by any means but very functional. You can see the additional banding when the lid is open.



Today I'm doing my second test cook. I added another handle to make moving this beast a little easier on my back. During the whole fabrication process I can only marvel at the pit makers that do this full time and manage to get things right, tight, and outta sight. Steel moves around a lot just when you don't need it to. After today's cook (and once the humidity settles) I'll be putting some high heat paint on everything for the final touch. Again - thanks for looking.
