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Full Fledged Farker
Apr 1, 2014
Fort Worth, TX
Name or Nickame
So I got a load of beef cheeks because the cut seemed interesting and I had seen a few fellow Texans smoking them. Well my first batch was a disaster. I was doing them alongside a pork shoulder running at 300. Dalmatian rub. Minimal trimming. 2 hours naked on the smoke, mopped one with a thin glaze, then panned and foiled with a broth for another 3. Pulled at 209 which was about what ppl said online to cook to. Rested and then when I went to reheat and slice or chop? Tough and none of the connective tissue broke down. I had promised a batch to a fried and now I am grasping at straws how to provide a good product to them. Any advice?
Beef cheeks I do at 225-230, they need a LONG time to break down all the gristle. Five hours isn't enough, mine take 8-9 hours. When it's done, the meat should be sticky and sweet. I've seen some of the Texas guys cooks, they get MUCH better cheeks than what I can get. I get mine from Wally World, only place I can find them.
Thanks for the tips...I’m going 250 and crutching them and going as long as needed. Probably 7-9 hrs