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somebody shut me the fark up.
Jul 15, 2009
Memphis, TN...Formerly of Decatur, AL
Lengthy title, and lots of pron. They came out pretty darn good too. I've never sauced a rib I've cooked on a smoker before. Done it in the oven, ages ago, and learned the boil/grill enough to not be much of a fan when I was growing up. But with smoked ribs? Nunca! So. I had this blackburn's Pineapple preserves. I mixed 10 OZs of preserves with 2 OZs Braggs Organic ACV and a TBS of powdered mustard + a tsp of chipotle powder. Let that sit in the fridge overnight. Started the Akorn, got it to about 250 (Which it pretty much held for the entire cook with only a couple minor adjustments over 4 hours), and rubbed the ribs with Big Ron's Hint Of Houston (Excellent stuff!). Membranes off, of course. Let them cook for 2 1/2 ~ 3 hours then glazed. In 30 minutes glazed again and left for 30 more when they were done. Moist and tender, they were. The sauce was not overly sweet, had a touch of tang, and some heat. The flavors went very well with the smoked pork. It was a simple sauce, but it worked out. Plated with a sweet tater, buttered and dusted with Simply Marvelous Sweet Seduction.
Here's some pics:


Used the plate setter for the first time. Love it.




Here's the sauce...


Wound up using 2/3 of it on the two racks in two applications...

After about 3 hours


First glaze...



Glaze set...


Second glaze on...


And set...


And they're done!


Little bit of a smoke ring peeking out...


On the plate...



And what was left...


So, obviously I enjoyed them. :mrgreen: Not exactly your typical BBQ sauce, but what the Hell. It's sauce. There were a couple nice crunchy bits where the place setter allowed upward draft, but over all, the texture was more bite through than crunch through with a good bark. Interesting to be sure. There was just enough sauce left to use as a dip if needed. I'll probably do this again. Add a little cayenne too next time. Shawn said they were the best ones he's had, but he does like sauce.

Redhot's reaction was "DAMN!" which was echoed by me. :becky: We had a box of Mexican cookies for dessert.

Thanks for looking!
Mighty Fine Sir! I'm like you, like to go light on the sauce or serve it on the side. I've seen some that look like they were dipped in a crock pot or such. ;D
Smoke Rings are overrated in my book. I'm looking at the carmelization, rendering, the glaze and the sheen...........but most importantly is the juice and moisture in the meat. That sauce sounds GOOD! The best stuff is made out of a little of dis an dat!
I'd hit a rack!
Was wondering when these would surface..........

Nice job underpinning with H.o.H.......looks GRATE!!!

(and no foil!!!)

Blueberry / chipolte done in the same order you used will produce similar results, Bludawg knows.......:wink:
Heck yeah! I'm not a big sauce guy myself but I usually bend to the guests and sauce. Those look great, particularly since you are a sauce virgin.
Mmmm bite chew swallow Mmmm bite chew swallow Mmmm bite chew swallow Mmmm bite chew swallow Mmmm bite chew swallow Mmmm bite chew swallow Mmmm bite chew swallow Mmmm bite chew swallow Mmmm bite chew swallow Mmmm bite chew swallow