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I'll post again.
Throw the meat to her!!!!!!!!!!!!! She IS purdy!!!!!!
You should name it "kd"


Took me a while...........but I got it!!
Your doing better than me... I still don't get it....

I'll post again.
Throw the meat to her!!!!!!!!!!!!! She IS purdy!!!!!!
She's burning off now... Still need to season her and then the briskets go on!!! I'm figuring that it's not just an over nighter... She's going to be cooking all weekend!!!!
THAT's what you've been waiting for? I thought it was going to be something good!

:-D :-D :-D

Big Bubette is a real looker, Jeff! I bet you can't wait get get her all hot and greasy!

Is Ramona jealous? (either one...)
THAT's what you've been waiting for? I thought it was going to be something good!

:-D :-D :-D

Big Bubette is a real looker, Jeff! I bet you can't wait get get her all hot and greasy!

Is Ramona jealous? (either one...)
Just finished the burn off and the second cleaning... Heating her back up for the curring now...

In the mean time, I'm trimming out briskets... Figure that's the best way to start!!!!
Got off work early today, real early. Going to grab a beer and stand out on the back deck, point my nose to the west, and drink in the sweet smell of hickory from across the pond.

Try and get a little sleep this weekend, pullin all that butt will be tiresome.
Enjoy the smoke.
Got off work early today, real early. Going to grab a beer and stand out on the back deck, point my nose to the west, and drink in the sweet smell of hickory from across the pond.

Try and get a little sleep this weekend, pullin all that butt will be tiresome.
Enjoy the smoke.
Using Shagbark Hickory tonight... Damn stuff just smells like BBQ!!!
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Congrats man! I love my Lang, and the older she gets, the more I realize what a value she really is. Heck, I think she is prettier now at 3 years old, than when she was new! Just let me know if you have any questions, and enjoy your new girl!:biggrin:
THat is a sharp lookin cooker. treat her good. I like that removable second shelf. another idea to add to my cooker. after i take out the center support between doors and make it a full opening.

I just hate seeing things like this. Maybe Bubbette needs a brother.
That kills me.... I'd buy it if I didn't have Bubbette... Did you post this on the "General Sale" are???

Congrats man! I love my Lang, and the older she gets, the more I realize what a value she really is. Heck, I think she is prettier now at 3 years old, than when she was new! Just let me know if you have any questions, and enjoy your new girl!:biggrin:

I'm enjoying it now... Let's see...
Burn off...Check
Meat On..Check
Jack & Coke for the Cook.... Damn Straight!!!!

I know that there is a learning curve on this baby... Starting it tonight... Thanks for the offer... You know that I'll make that call... You are staying up all night with me, right????

THat is a sharp lookin cooker. treat her good. I like that removable second shelf. another idea to add to my cooker. after i take out the center support between doors and make it a full opening.
Why not make two smaller ones... Could give you more options than one large one....

In fact, I'm thinking that I may do the same....
You guys asked for it
Congratulations on your newest family member. Lookiing forward to some action shots!

Now that is nice! Now get her hot and seasoned, I am sure you will be spending a lot of time with her. Post more Pic's. :-D
It's Burn off time!!!

I'm Working on it!!!
She's saying "Feed me!!"

I'll post again.
Throw the meat to her!!!!!!!!!!!!! She IS purdy!!!!!!

There ya go...

She's happy now...
Man. That sure looks nice. If I ever get another offset, you can be sure it will be a Lang with the warming box. There's just a great machine.