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This could never be a woodpile thread! This thread was bound for the outhouse as soon as it was started. Have you met these people?!?!
I don't believe what someone or some ones did. A 22.5" WSM just showed up at my door uninvited and unexpected. I simply can't understand it, but I am so thankful. You have no idea. Honestly, I'm flabbergasted! Gd's blessings to y'all.
Alright, who's the smart arse? Drew opened our charcoal bin today to fire up our new WSM. Someone put a can of LIGHTER FLUID in there!!! Brethren don't use lighter fluid!!! Are you trying to corrupt my son?!?! Fess up and go to the penalty box!

Oh, yeah, thanks for helping with the relay other than that. :)
Alright, who's the smart arse? Drew opened our charcoal bin today to fire up our new WSM. Someone put a can of LIGHTER FLUID in there!!! Brethren don't use lighter fluid!!! Are you trying to corrupt my son?!?! Fess up and go to the penalty box!

Oh, yeah, thanks for helping with the relay other than that. :)

while it wasn't me, just consider it a final test of Drew's worthiness to live up to your example :biggrin1:
Alright, who's the smart arse? Drew opened our charcoal bin today to fire up our new WSM. Someone put a can of LIGHTER FLUID in there!!! Brethren don't use lighter fluid!!! Are you trying to corrupt my son?!?! Fess up and go to the penalty box!

:clap: :rofl: