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I was thinking early this morning that I would love to have a congregation made up of BBQ Brethren and the likes. I know not all of you are Christians, but the mercy and love you all show can be example to those of us who claim to be.

Thank you so much for the countless blessings. You have no idea how good this past week was for my spirit. I look forward to posting some pron.

You do my friend. Every day I see you posting or see news about you my faith in The Lord gets stronger.:thumb:
I've been on here less than two months and had not met anyone until the relay. If you look at the need help thread I was 2nd to respond , 1st to offer drive (on that thread atleast). I posted I'd drive S Oklahoma to Austin or OKC to Dallas and as soon as I hit enter I said "CHIT What did I just Do? I don't know any of these Freaks!" :twitch: Something just told me to offer- I dunno.

I tell y'all this not to brag on myself but to say there was a reason for this - like it was meant to be or God wanted it to happen or something? And I'm glad I did it. :grin:
What an awesome time reading thru this thread. This truly is a special community whose reach is much larger than one imagines... The open sharing of knowledge & camaraderie is all aimed @ makin amazing Que for family & friends.

I don't know about you but I'm off to search around the Brethern merchandise store. I'll proudly wear a shirt or apron with the angry pig :razz:
I've been wearing my shirt since Sunday morning. :thumb:

Funny, I've been neekid since Sunday, trying to roll around in all my new sauces and rubs. Probably a good thing I'm still paralyzed. :becky:

For those of you who don't know, I am a huge fan of the Simply Marvelous line. My whole family is. My daughter loves the Season All to the point she calls it "My Seasoning," and claims it when we get some. She makes awesome fried potatoes...ala American Fries...with it and has been known to carry a shaker with her to friends' houses for sleepovers so she can cook "her" potatoes for them. :thumb: if you haven't tried the stuff, you're missing out.

Now, we just gotta find time for the kids to cook...
I was thinking early this morning that I would love to have a congregation made up of BBQ Brethren and the likes. I know not all of you are Christians, but the mercy and love you all show can be example to those of us who claim to be.

Thank you so much for the countless blessings. You have no idea how good this past week was for my spirit. I look forward to posting some pron.
Dan that would be a cool Church to go to! Think about it, we could start Qing before Church and when you're done preaching time to eat! :clap:

As it's been said great job to all that made this happen!:thumb: