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Heck tonto............I really want to shake your hand and meet face to face. I may/could come up and visit even if I dont compete.
Awaiting some emails ect. before I make up my mind.
Talked to one of my team members a bit ago and he would like to compete again......but the known cheater has to be dealt with and other things need to be straightened out and seems everybody is afraid of him.
Jury is still out on this one right now.


I say we tar and feather the said " cheater" and let him know "to hell with him!!" ( wish it was so easy ) Like I said, this is my first comp, and would like to think I just suck because I aint got it figured out yet, not that we have a cheater in our midst. Still looking to learn somthing for my $$$ and time.
I, too, look forward to meeting all Brethern there. I'm a newbie, can fly the flag?
Mike, are you referring to par-boil Moe? If so, we just had dinner with Steph from KCBS/Slabs and she told us how she went to GR one year to run the contest for KCBS. She laid it all out on the table and the guy was clean... no cooked meats whatsoever. Let me just say this: Bubba and Jeff (both Brethren) start their fires up at around 7am for everything. They use the fast cook method for butts and briskets that is becoming the latest "thing" everyone wants to try. I have seen them cook all four categories in five hours or so. Maybe the folks in Michigan haven't been exposed to this method yet but after talking with Steph, I'm of a mind to believe he isn't cheating.
Like I said, this is my first comp, and would like to think I just suck because I aint got it figured out yet, not that we have a cheater in our midst.

Anyone can cook BBQ at home... we've found it's all about learning how to compete that is the kicker. Cooking Q at a comp is simple. Timing and knowing what to do at what time and doing it right is key.
Jeff, I will stop running my mouth about the cheater. Lets just say this I believe it was 2001 in G. Rapids..........I was very close to the cheater.
I watched him have his meat inspected in his coolers. When the meat inspector left, oh by the way it was about 7 am on Saturday.
When the inspector split....out came the foiled disposable hotel pans that had covers on them. They went into the cooker. Musta been 50 people around his tent. He just drops his side flaps on his ez-up.
Lets not forget he has his own sauce thats sold here in our local Sams Club Stores. And he has his own Q joint as well.
I know for a fact that 2 different folks went straight to the KCBS Judges Area and filed complaints, when that happened. The complaintants were blown off or ignored. Why? Dunno possibley outta fear.
Did a gig a few years later.........This cheater had just gotten out of some kind of govt. security place for capping some folks. I was feeding some friends of his.........GO Figure...........I just said wow. My teamate was at both gigs and just shook his head as well!

If I cant play on equal and fair playing fields....I will move on. Voicing my opinion of unfare play apparently doesnt matter. Why pay good money to get shafted?

End of Story!

Jeff, I will stop running my mouth about the cheater. Lets just say this I believe it was 2001 in G. Rapids..........I was very close to the cheater.
I watched him have his meat inspected in his coolers. When the meat inspector left, oh by the way it was about 7 am on Saturday.
When the inspector split....out came the foiled disposable hotel pans that had covers on them. They went into the cooker. Musta been 50 people around his tent. He just drops his side flaps on his ez-up.
Lets not forget he has his own sauce thats sold here in our local Sams Club Stores. And he has his own Q joint as well.
I know for a fact that 2 different folks went straight to the KCBS Judges Area and filed complaints, when that happened. The complaintants were blown off or ignored. Why? Dunno possibley outta fear.
Did a gig a few years later.........This cheater had just gotten out of some kind of govt. security place for capping some folks. I was feeding some friends of his.........GO Figure...........I just said wow. My teamate was at both gigs and just shook his head as well!

If I cant play on equal and fair playing fields....I will move on. Voicing my opinion of unfare play apparently doesnt matter. Why pay good money to get shafted?

End of Story!


Mike, I'm not trying to piss ya off here, bro. I am just reporting what I was told by someone with KCBS who went through his stuff with a fine tooth comb prior to one particular contest. They were satisfied he wasn't cheating at THAT time anyway. Now if he turned around and did it some other time, that's a different story. I'm probably not the person to tell you the whole story cuz I wasn't there. And I'd had 1/2 gallon of Dos Equis Dark when I hear it! :lol:
Anyone can cook BBQ at home... we've found it's all about learning how to compete that is the kicker. Cooking Q at a comp is simple. Timing and knowing what to do at what time and doing it right is key.

I hear that, I'm having dreams about it. Gonna try to take everything in and do the best we can. Most of all I'm trying not to stress about it and just get my list checked off.

Heck tonto............I really want to shake your hand and meet face to face. I may/could come up and visit even if I dont compete.
Awaiting some emails ect. before I make up my mind.


That would be great Mike. Look foward to meeting you and saying hello!!
I'm not going to defend, I will be in Shannon, where I know it will be a well organized contest...

Tonto, I may drive over to G.Rapids and talk to folks I know and meet some new folks like you and Spyder Mike if he going to be there as well as Ford Allison. Would love to hang with Curt and his team as well.
We will not be competing for sure. Too many hard feelings still with the promoter.
I will save my money and do a big gig here at home come fall.
Bull, hope you make the drive over and we get a chance to meet. I know this contest has gotten alot of bad press.... rightfully so by the sound of things, that many teams that have attended in years past will not return. For our first comp we just figured it's 15 minutes from the house and would be a good place to get our feet wet. I hope that they have addressed some of the issues of the past, but I'm not to worried as we are taking the electric/ac/water/bathroom isn't an issue for us. If it's as bad as it has been in the past , and I'm still on the dark side:mrgreen: , next year we will probably head to Shannon ourselves.

Hope to see you there Bull!!
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I will be there helping out. I've been recruited to be a KCBS rep and will be in training. Please intoduce yourself! Julie Applegate
Will you be wearing kilts?

Hah!!! Not me, I think I"ll stick with jeans and a tee. Told the hubby he's more than welcome to wear his kilt, though he might want to be Real Carefull around the smoker...:shock: Almost bought a kid sized one for the dog and then decided that would just be downright cruel.:razz: :lol: