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i expected people to try my ribs and say, "yeah...thats pretty good". So you can imagine my suprise when instead they said, "OH my god!" it was a huge hit everyone said they were the best ribs they had ever had. For the rub i used the All south rub. For the mop I used the apple cider vinegar, brown sugar, salt, pepper. And to top it all of i used the blackberry bbq sauce. In the rub i accidentally put a Tblsp. of cayenne pepper instead of a tsp. So i left the cayenne out of the bbq sauce. And i used kosher salt everywhere the recipe called for salt. And I used the 3-2-1 method.
one qualm i had about the 'dera is i had to clean out the ashes after 2 charcoal chimney's worth had accumulated. I haven't done the mod on it yet, but you would think the manufacturers would have planned that part out a little better.
jsn1511 said:
one qualm i had about the 'dera is i had to clean out the ashes after 2 charcoal chimney's worth had accumulated. I haven't done the mod on it yet, but you would think the manufacturers would have planned that part out a little better.

My Bandera Charcoal/Log Basket will fix this problem and others. See PIS in Photos MOD file!
Man, that Al is a salesman! LOL

Glad it all turn out! The expanded steel fire grate gets the fire up off the bottom and allows for more circulation, which then allows for less fuel consumption. Made my life a whole lot easier.

Al, I'm still waiting to beta test a new design.......
Oh another thing i meant to mention. I was charring the wood chunks on the top of the grill of the 'dera until i noticed it was making the paint bubble up. I know you guys metioned that the paint would bubble up after the second or third burn. But it didn't start until i decided to try charring the wood on it. I took the wood off as soon as i noticed what was happening. When you said not to worry about bubbling were you reffering to normal usage or charring wood on it?
willkat98 said:
did you season the outside and inside?

Mine hasnt "bubbled" but it is turning color (brown) and I preheat/char (light on fire when I forget) my wood on the top too.

No, i only seasoned the inside. I didn't know the outside need to be seasoned too. What do you season the outside with?
Same thing, peanut oil or whatever you used.

I keep a spray can of veg oil and spray the smokebox outside with each cook.

also, BE SURE to spray the hinges with each and every cook. Some brothers have had the hinge snap right off. Mine sometiumes makes this cranking noise, so I spray them always.
Ah ok thanks for the info!

BTW people are raving about the blackberry bbq sauce. who's recipe is that?