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Was that Altons wife with him on last nights show. It was the one with Alton walking around with the bandage on his head.

I'm sorry folks, but that guy, and whoever that woman was, is Unwatchable. All his silly quirks and mock ups for the camera, it was like Pee Wee's Playhouse for Cooking.
If you don't like Alton then why do you watch him, isn't that what the remote is for. I love Guinness, Alton Brown, and Jamie Oliver; but I am sure that their some people that like Shaffers, Iron Chef, and Ming Tsai.
I don't watch him - watched him long enough on a couple occassions long ago to know the show (his style) wasn't for me. So when I flip to the food channel and see him on, I just say "fark - him again" and turn his a$$ off.
I gave him a second try after folks in the Salt bucket thread (or whatever it was) said how great he was. So I gave him a second look. My comment above was just a reaffirmation that those folks in the salt thread are farking crazy. Alton is an idiot. I don't watch him.
Thank to Bill and Ron, I now knoweverything there is to know about Spatchcocking! Thanks for the trip down memory lane and the links.

willkat98 said:
I know you can spatchcock a chicken and get about 20 or more in the Bandera at once, but has anyone spatchcocked a turkey?

You could probably fit 5 or 6 in there at one time that way

How do you get that many in the dera? Do put them on top of each other and if so doesn't that keep parts from getting any smoke coloring?
I just realized something... I typed in the word spatchcock and the net nanny didn't turn it into spatch****! Did someone update the net nanny, or did I confuse it with such a big word? :-D

Let's test...

Joe Cocker
Cocker Spaniel

Ron_L said:
I just realized something... I typed in the word spatchcock and the net nanny didn't turn it into spatch****! Did someone update the net nanny, or did I confuse it with such a big word? :-D

Let's test...

Joe Cocker
Cocker Spaniel


i took the "male anatomy" reference out of the net nanny and put in specific words. Saw it changed a few real words with harmless reference... i.e.. "cocktail peanuts", "spathcock".. etc..
midnight said:
How do you get that many in the dera? Do put them on top of each other and if so doesn't that keep parts from getting any smoke coloring?

Midnight, this was a revived thread. The original post was October 2003 when Greg, Brian, and I were farking around on a slow day with the word Spatchcock, without even knowing what it meant.
Ya know I bought a couple of fryers the other day guess I should try this now...............................
after reading this thread i am still not sure what "spatchcocking is, but if i cut my chickens in half i can get twelve of them in my bandera. its a tight fit but they go on three to a rack. i then rotate the shelves every hour to get a more uniform cook. i just did ten chickens this weekend and they turned out great. i also skinned the chickens before i smoked them so that they would absorb more of the seasoning as i did not have time to marinate or brine them. i also find chicken skin revolting and it is a pain in the a$$ to remove before eating.
anyone else do this?