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somebody shut me the fark up.

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Jul 18, 2007
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I didn't get pictures of all the meals during "deer camp" this week.. but here are a few.

Had a build your own smoked pork tostada bar one night...


The pre-smoked fatties I made and froze came in real handy. (Thanks to the Brethren!):-D

I hit the wrong button and didn't finish posting pics. :biggrin:




I brined the Thanksgiving turkey and places smoked sausage under the skin then smoked it on my drum...




The weekend went by fast and I'm tired but it was fun!

Thanks for checking out my deer camp food. :)
Hey neighbor! Have been looking for some great food pron from you the last few days. Hope you had fun at deer camp. Sure looks like you ate very well. Great posts as usual jeanie!
My, sweetheart's at it again. Just beautiful, darling, and I bet it taste even better than it looks. If that's possible. Now that's down home cookin at it's best. If you were next door to Paula Dean, she'd go broke.

Thank you N8man, Neighbor, JD and Danny! (((HUGs))) :wink:
I did cook a lot more, just haven't downloaded all the pics yet.

It's nice having a house full of company and it's nice when they head home. lol :wink:
Did you say Deer Camp or Queer Camp?? : ) : ) Just teasing but I've never had food like that on a hunting trip! Hamburger helper is usually a treat if not a hot dog on a stick! : )
Can't wait to see what other wonderful plates of goodness you did. Such a pleasure to see what you have been up to. That pic of the plated food was about more than I could handle and I ate about 30 minutes ago. Love friends and family, but you are right about them heading home. Now you have time to download the camera.:biggrin:
i hunt Texas & Arkansas but i'm thinking i need to hunt Oklahoma instead.

Great lookin' camp food!
Thank you David, deer camp is kinda fun. :-D

Neighbor, you are too kind! :wink: I'm downloading more pictures right now. :-D

Capri man, I did get a deer! Got a nice little buck. I hope to get a doe too this week.

Thank you Redheart! Come on over. :-D

MB, thank you so much!

Thank you Frognot! Lots of good hunting in Oklahoma. :)
"tostada bar"??? this deer camp or some fancy lodge? LOL. and REAL plates? dang sure go all out!!! :)
Spectacular plates! You are the most spectacular hunt camp host/hostess. The lodge we go to near Montgomery, AL has a couple of ladies that put on great meals. They are ladies who never met a dish that they didn't think they could cook with lard. While it is good, they cannot come close to what you put together and they don't even go hunting:)

If you start doing guided hunts, my father-in-law, my sons, and I might have to head that way!
Thank you Big Brother, it was lots of fun. :-D

Grease Pig, we ate way more than needed this week. :-D

Mike, I'm pretty sure I used paper plates last year and no one complained.... don't know what got into me this year. That was just on turkey day, the rest of the time they had to use paper plates. :biggrin:

Chris, that's very kind of you! I am pretty tired tonight. lol It's been a fun 5 days of eating, drinking, hunting, cooking and staying up too late. Probably a good thing deer season only comes around once a year for me. :-D