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I would imagine that bigabyte has already polled his neighbors in preparation for the event. Luckily, I made it through Overland Fark on my way home safely.

1. By reading this post or by quoting or otherwise referencing it, you agree to the entirety of declarations in this agreement and release bigabyte (the poster) of any and all responsibility of any misperceptions causing you to feel any negative feelings whatsoever resulting from any content in the post.
2. Bigabyte (the poster) loves you and values your feelings, opinions and overall well being, and every statement in this post is intended to make you feel this. If you feel otherwise then know that you are mistaken and he meant something very positive, and nothing negative at all, no matter how you ultimately choose to accept it.
3. Bigabyte is not responsible or liable for your interpretation of his words, whether you interpreted them accurately or not.
Listen up ya farkin' fairies, I haven't got my farking poll up just yet, but don't farking cry and chit ya farking whine farking babies, you'll all get a good and proper polling soon.