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somebody shut me the fark up.
May 10, 2006
Overland Fark, KS
Since I am a nice moderator, I am allowing time for those people who did NOT clearly specify in their post that it was an official entry into this Throwdown the opportunity to do so.:mod:

I may or may not be this nice again in the future.:decision:

At some point ALL entries will be expected to say this because this requirement is clearly stated in the rules, which you should be familiar with before entering the contest to begin with.:becky:

Since this is a NEW rule, I am feeling rather lenient. Or maybe I'm just having a nice day. I don't know.:blah:

The following are posts made which contain photos of food but did NOT properly meet the rule indicating that they were official entries. Please state your intent for these entries either today or tomorrow. This category will go to a vote on Wednesday morning, so if you do not state so by that time, your post will NOT be considered an official entry:!:

One or more of these MAY have made an intention somewhat clear in a PRIOR post to the one with the food photos, but that will not work. This intent must be stated at the top of your entry post, as stated in the rules. Please don't assume I read each and every post when culling together the photos for the vote thread, because I do not, and don't plan to start doing so either.:cop:

Others may have indicated towards the end of their post which particular photo they want to use as their entry. While this does infer an intention for the post to be an entry, and I thank you for pointing out WHICH picture you want me to use for voting, please do not assume that I will plan to have sufficient time to read each and every post all the way through to determine if it is an entry or not. This is why the rule says to indicate your intent at the TOP of the post. That way I only spend time on the posts that actually need to be looked at to build the VOTE thread.

Thank you for your cooperation.:becky:

Oldyote -

BBQ Bacon -

Chef Jim -

meatwagon -

High Q -
Should we PM the people on the list, or wait for the bulls to arrive after the DQs?


I think Oldyote should be DQ'd for overuse of the cute kid crutch -- and for not returning my pony. :tsk:

I hope my entry doesn't get DQ'd. I worked really hard on this one.

Being a brethren of great integrity, I sent a PM to all the listed breakers of bigabyte's rules... except Oldyote, of course. :heh:

Thanks for the heads up Casey Dog. Unfortunately because of the rain my day of bacon was cooked indoors. I would hate to win and have to take that to my grave knowing that. Since the rain has been pretty much a daily thing for the past 2 weeks I'm looking to build an ark soon.
Thanks for the heads up Casey Dog. Unfortunately because of the rain my day of bacon was cooked indoors. I would hate to win and have to take that to my grave knowing that. Since the rain has been pretty much a daily thing for the past 2 weeks I'm looking to build an ark soon.

Thanks for your integrity! :becky:

My relationship_colonel entry was done indoors as well. Unfortunately there are no pics of this event :tsk:
Attention ALL,

It has been brought to my attention that some feel I was too "scolding" with my message, and that some may wish to withdraw their entries because the TD's are no longer "fun".

Before I fly off the handle at how ridiculous this is, allow me to remind you all that I do all of this for no reason but to allow us all to have some fun. I get no financial reward for doing this. In fact, my time spent here could be used in other ventures, but I have enjoyed these TD's immensely up until this point, and that is the ONLY reason there are any TD's AT ALL, because I choose to devote time to make them happen.

This new rule is not difficult, and in no sane manner can be considered a "downer" on these TD's.

I, like many of you, perhaps even more so, lead a very busy life. Yet I find the time to do this, along with posting on this site in general. At times people decide to make issues which cause these things to take more time out of my life than necessary.

An example of this has been determining real entries from fake ones, whether as a joke or otherwise. The rule used to be that if a photo was not an entry then simply say so. People failed to do this. In fact, we even saw a way this could be abused. Since there are no ways to enforce that people clarify photos are not an entry, the solution was simple. Enforcing people to state that it IS an entry is easy, painless, and can be enforced

If any TD rule bothers anyone to such a degree that they no longer wish to participate, then I encourage them to not waste further cycles of my life by complaining and simply STFU and stop participating already.

Thank you.

I think.