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Well the grill has arrived in Vegas:-D But I won't be able to have it delivered until Thursday:sad: I am slammed at work, so I had to schedule it for Thursday. I am so excited and can't wait to break it in this weekend. I plan to season him shortly after he arrives, and will likely cook on him Saturday. I worked 18 hours yesterday and have a couple more big days before Thursday. I am using my excitement, prayer (and a lot of caffeine) to get me through until its arrival:roll:
thanks! Get her much as possible. My wife is so observant with stuff like this. Of course it helps I talk about it constantly..ha ha
Oh, my wife is an excellent pitmaster; she has that down. I didn't have to teach her that as she learned by watching. The mere mention of a new pit gets me the side eyes and a sigh. Can't talk to her about it if she refuses to hear about it. The reality is, I could send her all the build information and the link to where to call and she would say, "So what is it you want? Can you just order it yourself so I don't screw it up."
Just like a kid counting down till Santy Clause comes:wink:
Ha ha got that right!

Oh, my wife is an excellent pitmaster; she has that down. I didn't have to teach her that as she learned by watching. The mere mention of a new pit gets me the side eyes and a sigh. Can't talk to her about it if she refuses to hear about it. The reality is, I could send her all the build information and the link to where to call and she would say, "So what is it you want? Can you just order it yourself so I don't screw it up."
Understood. Well, at least she cooks with you:becky:
I hate you. Just kidding. Well sort of. Damn jealousy. :-D

Other than the color. That is exactly what I want!

Congratulations on the Assassin Grill and on an awesome wife!
I hate you. Just kidding. Well sort of. Damn jealousy. :-D

Other than the color. That is exactly what I want!

Congratulations on the Assassin Grill and on an awesome wife!


They're keepers:pray:
Orthello is home!

He's here! Allow me to introduce to you "Othello Von Porkenhagan" brother to "Hamlit"

So far I really like the fact that I don't have a shelf in my way in the front, prohibiting me from reaching far back into the cooker. I am 5'2" and while those tables in front are good, it makes it hard to maneuver meats on occasion.

I have been searching for a midsized cooker that i could grill, smoke, and have the ability to cook whole hogs. I think Othello will do that just fine:tongue:

Another brother inspired me to get the front loading option and splitting the trays. This will give me more burning options as well as it lightened the overall weight. See that middle section below? I think I will have something fabricated to bridge the gap. I was thinking maybe even a trough or a vaporizer bar of sorts that would help channel any liquids directly into the water pan when in use. Otherwise, I love the design.

Purring along and smells amazing as he gets seasoned.

All seasoned up and ready for burgers! Which I might add were phenomenal:clap2:

I plan to start a new thread where Othello and Hamlit meet for the first time since being separated at birth. Or was it captured during the war? Stay tuned.....
You are a lucky husband!
And your new Assassin looks nice!

Thanks Enrico! I am blessed to have such an awesome wife. I'm not just saying that. She supports me, and I support her. It is nice to have that, when my last experience was just the opposite.