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is Blowin Smoke!
Mar 16, 2010
Northwestern Wisconsin
It was -20 degrees on the high side Monday and Tuesday so, I figured it would be great to fire up the smoker and cook up something HOT. :thumb:
Gumbo sounded like a winner. I had some Andouille and Italian sausage, salad shrimp, and some Okra that I figured would add some great flavor if smoked.

Onto the smoker it all went with the Okra and shrimp in the pan on the bottom and sausage on the second shelf over the pan. Nevermind those beauties on the right, they are just some Scotch Eggs.

This all caught a nice smoke bath for about 45 minutes. It came off just before it all started to dry out.

From there it was just a matter of chopping up the sausage, mixing up a rue, adding rice, tomatoes, chicken broth, lots and LOTS of Cayanne, some more seasonings and then letting it cook low and slow in the crock pot for about 8 hours.

Unfortunately, there are no more pictures after this point. The rice expanded and the gumbo thickened up very nicely. It had some great heat to it and tasted fantastic. I brought the pot to work because, my family does not like heat in any form. The guys at work had a minimum of 2 bowls each. It was a great hot treat after this latest cold snap.
Thanks for looking! :thumb:

P.S. I should also mention that the cook took place when temperatures were -12 to -20 with a "reel feel" of -25 to -30. :twisted:
Tom, that is just stupid cold! I've been in -54F real temp, no wind chill. Never want to do it again.... Really nice job on the gumbo! Would love to have you out here again. :)
Tom, that is just stupid cold! I've been in -54F real temp, no wind chill. Never want to do it again.... Really nice job on the gumbo! Would love to have you out here again. :)

For some dumb reason I keep trying to be some sort of die hard and cook in as cold of temperatures as possible. :Becky:

Can't wait to get out that way again. Hoping to have something work out for this summer maybe. :thumb:
How'd the smoked shrimp turn out? I've never tried that before.

I love the flavor of smoked shrimp but, they will dry out fast and get rubbery. In this case, I knew they were going to be able to absorb some liquid afterwards so, I wasn't worried as much about it. This time they turned out good but, I would have liked them to be a bit bigger.