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Thanks everybody!

Hey young lady. On that chuck. Weight, temp and cooking time if you would. Looked fantastic I might say. Grazzi.
Sorry for the delay in getting a reply to you. I went camping.
I cook old school.
I don't weigh chuck (or briskets or pork butts, etc.), this cooker's "sweet spot" is 275F. I smoke the chuck uncovered for 2 hours, add stock half way up the meat, cover and let er go til tender. I usually check chucks at 5 hours and go from there. Thanks!!
Man that pie is amazing! I love that. We need a cowgirls cast iron cook book. I'd get tons of use from that. Awesome meals!
Dayum Neighbor!

How did I miss this?

What a great meat pie - I gotta make something similar and hope it is half as good.
Nice Jeanie. I love the plated dinner. When I first saw the slice of finished pie, I thought it needed a sauce of some sort. Then you added the egg and it all came together. Great job...
Man that pie is amazing! I love that. We need a cowgirls cast iron cook book. I'd get tons of use from that. Awesome meals!
Thanks so much Decoy! I sure use my cast iron a lot. It's so dependable. :grin:

Another out of this world cook, Jeanie............pure awesomeness! :thumb:
Thank you Piney!! :becky:

You killed it with that one. I will be trying this very soon - really like the breakfast/brunch approach.
Thank you!! I make these pies using smoked brisket, beef cheeks, pulled pork. It's a nice way to use leftovers. :-D

OMG that smoked chuck pie look amazing!

Thank you Jay! :grin:

I like that breakfast idea Jeanie, well done!

Sam! Great to see ya. Dove season started yesterday, come on down! lol
Hope you have a nice weekend. Thank you! :thumb::hug:
Dayum Neighbor!

How did I miss this?

What a great meat pie - I gotta make something similar and hope it is half as good.

Thank you Neighbor! I bet what ever you come up with will be outstanding! :mrgreen:

Nice Jeanie. I love the plated dinner. When I first saw the slice of finished pie, I thought it needed a sauce of some sort. Then you added the egg and it all came together. Great job...

Thanks Terry! I usually drizzle smoked meat pies with Q sauce but the egg sounded good this time. :grin:
Looks like a delicious and fantastic prelude to a nap or 2! I haven't smoked a chucky in a long time :tsk: I love those things. Gotta get back on the chuckie train - love love love what youv'e done with those - thanks for posting Jeanie!
Wow, that smoked chuck pie with the bacon lattice and a nice runny egg on top looks amazing! I am definitely going to try that next time I've got some smoked beef leftovers. Looks time-intensive, but I bet the results are well worth it!
Looks like a delicious and fantastic prelude to a nap or 2! I haven't smoked a chucky in a long time :tsk: I love those things. Gotta get back on the chuckie train - love love love what youv'e done with those - thanks for posting Jeanie!

Thank you Greg! :hug: I'm looking forward to seeing your smoked lamb and smoked pig and smoked anything!! Really wish I could have worked a way out to be there. Have fun! :mrgreen:

Looks great! I just happen to have a little five lb chuckie going on with a brisket in the morning

Thank you Oakswamper! Hope it works out well for you! :grin:

Thank you McFatty! :grin:

Wow, that smoked chuck pie with the bacon lattice and a nice runny egg on top looks amazing! I am definitely going to try that next time I've got some smoked beef leftovers. Looks time-intensive, but I bet the results are well worth it!

Thanks T.Mac! I've used several smoked meats in these pies, they all work well. Hope you have a nice weekend! :grin:
Wow, I need to come visit
I need to start thinking outside of my little box
Super looking dish of course yours all are I got to try things like this

You are quite inspiring. Wish I lived near Oklahoma !!!!!
Wow, I need to come visit
I need to start thinking outside of my little box
Super looking dish of course yours all are I got to try things like this

You are quite inspiring. Wish I lived near Oklahoma !!!!!

Thank you Larred, very kind of you!