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somebody shut me the fark up.
Jan 8, 2014
San Antonio, TX
Name or Nickame
I was at HEB a couple weeks back and I found a nice Pork Belly. I had never cooked one before, so I put it in the freezer and gathered ideas for how I was going to cook it. I knew I wanted to smoke it, and I decided to go with an Asian marinade. There just happens to be an Asian TD going on know, so it timed out perfectly.

First thing I did was to score a diamond pattern into the fat cap of the belly. I did it for appearance and to get the marinade in down deep, but I would think this also helps keep the meat from curling up as the fat crisps up.


Next, I made the marinade, or better yet, the Korean wife did. I wanted spicy Asian flavors, so she mixed up Korean chili powder, Gochujang, garlic, green onions, and ginger.


Added some Soy Sauce, Rice Wine, Sesame Seeds, and a little Sesame Oil...


Added some thinly sliced onion and mixed it all up...


Poured that onto the belly, rubbed it well into the meat, and then threw it into a Ziploc bag and into the fridge over night.


Next day, I got the WSM lit around 12 pm and got it smoking clean and stable at around 230* with some cherry chunks. I decided to cook the belly in the marinade, so I just tossed it all into a pan and put it on the smoker around 12:45. I figured smoking it in the pan with the marinade and juices would keep the lower, tender meat juicy while the top was allowed to crisp up a little.


Here it is about 90 mins in. I am monitoring the IT, expecting to pull it any where from 180* to 205*, but going to pull it when it's probe tender.


Three hours in... Raised my temps a little to 265* so I could start crisping up the top.


Pulled it at about 5 pm when the probe started going in easily (around 200*). Let her rest for about 15 mins before I sliced it.



Tender and juicy...


Plated with some white rice and Cucumber Kimchi...


This was pretty good. Not saying it'll be a regular in my rotation, but it will be added to the list...

Oh, as we normally do, made a to go box for an old vet up at the bar. He's all by himself now, so we try to cook for him a couple times a week...


Thanks for looking...
Man, that is a luscious cook.

And a fine gesture for that Vet. I have heard from old men before that this kind of thing is what kept them alive during hard times, knowing that someone cared
Thank you Sir... Yeah, his girlfriend of many years passed last year. He just spends his days bouncing between the VFW, our little bar and a number of other places. Nice, old Marine. A couple meals a week just seems like the right thing to do. It always makes him smile.
This looks sinfully delicious. I love Korean flavors and the balance of rich fatty meats with pickled veggies.
That looks amazing. Want to try a pork belly (Costco near me always has 'em recently), but couldn't decide how to season/cook it. This may be the winner for me.