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Nice. That BGE may bring vinny out of retirement

It would be great to see you all but there is no need to show up boys & girls... the BGE will be coming home with me. Oysters were my weakness having never cooked or eaten one but I've just perfected a batch of grilled oysters topped with a spicy pineapple/mango/ginger salsa served on a bed of kosher salt and whole mixed colored peppercorns.

or maybe not :biggrin:
Cool. I tested some oyster ziti with spicy peanut sauce. Odd but tasty.
It most likely will, but I think it was juice, coffee, rolls and donuts. I was thinking breakfast burritos or something along those lines.

Another option (if the weather is nice): maybe we could have a dinner down by the water.

either or both works for us
particurally like the seafood dinner idea...
Any update on teams? want to make sure payment made it as the check hasn't been cashed yet.
4 teams? This is a fun contest, great organizers, great prizes. Why can't we at least get local teams signed up? Vinny, there's a BGE up for grabs! Come out of retirement!!!
I'm hoping my first UDS will be ready for this event. Seems like it'll be a fun day. Anyone know how many teams were there last year???

4 teams? This is a fun contest, great organizers, great prizes. Why can't we at least get local teams signed up? Vinny, there's a BGE up for grabs! Come out of retirement!!!

Sorry Clint.. Tempting but I'll be at Waldorf Eggfest in MD picking up my XL.

I agree, it was a well run event. Suprised there are only four teams entered so far..Maybe teams are keeping their $ to apply to the BBQ contests.

Anyone know how many teams were there last year???

I think there were aprrox 15 teams last year.
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This was not really on my radar but I may just sign up to support the event. I can't believe more local teams haven't signed up. This is a great way to get your feet wet for competition, don't any of you NY Brethren that haven't competed before want to check it out ?