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Saturday "Apple" Baby Backs


BBQ Bros

here are pics of some BB's i cooked yesterday. why am i calling them "apple" BB's you ask? well... that would be b/c i smoked them with apple wood, hit them with some apple juice during the foil phase and then glazed them with a homemade apple BBQ sauce :-D

they were tender enough to fall off after biting into them, but not so tender that the meat fell off when picking them up. i got feedback from my wife that these were in her top 3 of the best BB's i've cooked, so considering i cook BB's several times a month, i guess i did a good job :-D

hope you enjoy the pics-


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Brother I am a spare rib guy, but those look unbelieveable!

P.S. Homemade Apple BBQ Sauce is where its at! ;):thumbup:
Nice job! :thumb: Wonder how they would have been if you would have hit them with some apple rub?

funny you mention that...i've got a 5 lb bag of Simply Marvelous apple rub on its way, it just didn't get here in time :(
Those look good. I'm going to try some stuff with apple juice, maybe spraying the ribs periodically.