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That was brutal. I'm on FIOS and after multiple timeouts, started to register, registered, went to pay, time out, tried again, registested, tried to pay, timed out, again rigistered, and then paid but no return, time out. They took my money. Finally, got an email In for Dallas.

The new board has some very good and savy it types, work on this PLEASE!!!
I received the success page at KCBS and the Paypal receipt, but no e-mail from KCBS yet. I hope that I'm really in.
! The member number or team name submitted has already been registered. You can only register for one event.

How do you pay???
Well after 27 minutes of trying to get in so we are on the wait list.I would surely hope with the new board thats coming in that the comp affiliated folks would see if this can be improved.
Done. Paid up and ready to go.

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well, I just call kcbs... guess I didn't get it.... f'n bs website.. they KNEW they were gonna have this kind of traffic... sorry i'm just a little bitter
I got in and when I tried to register it told me that my member name or number has already registered???

yep got that error message as well.

We got the same message so I removed the space in our name and it worked. My guess is that they are combining both this and last years DB and that tells me they didn't test it for chit!

I received the success page at KCBS and the Paypal receipt, but no e-mail from KCBS yet. I hope that I'm really in.
I got my confirmation email from paypal and then 22 minutes later it got the one from KCBS.

Looks like we are going to Madison!

I can't find the 800 number... Can some one pass it on so I can get the team name corrected?

Got the number, Thanks Ron!!!!