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And Now For Something Completely Different

Chicken Fried McRib.
I washed off the patty, rubbed with Simply Marvelous Cherry and smoked indirect on the kettle with hickory whils't Redhot was smoking her Crown.
These were then breaded and fried and served with three sides and home made white gravy. Steamed green beans and mushrooms with a dash of Cavenders, garlic mashed taters and deep fried green beans. The bread was EEVO and garlic toasted McRemnants. These were actually pretty good. It's amazing what a little smoke and added crunch can do to a lowly pressed pork patty. Chris, I couldn't decide which plate pic for the vote.


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That just looks good! Chicken fried Mcrib:thumb: Sneak preview for Deep South? We got our work cut out here now.
Here's My Entry:p......

And Here's the Cook Thread.....

My girl just got back from NC and brought back a whole slab of smoked bacon(and a bunch of other stuff!). She's from Goldsboro and hits the Nuhunta Pork Shop whenever she's up there. Mysteriously a 4 inch piece disappeared when I was slicing it up. I took the piece and whittled some ribs in it, coated it with Simply Marvelous Sweet and Spicy(love that stuff!), smoked it on the UDS for about 5 hours, slathering with sauce after 4 hours. Talk about shrinkage:icon_blush:! I put it together on a crunchy hard roll along with Romain lettuce, juicy beefsteak tomatoes, and mayo on the side. The McRibLT. Thanks for looking.




My Entry, Thanks for looking
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Funny thing, I just posted this picture on another site as a joke.
It does not qualify for your throwdown, but I thought I would share anyway.

So here is their story..........

This rack was delicately slow cooked for hours to achieve just the right taste and tenderness (probably too long).
The ribs were carefully removed from the container and placed on the rack for final cooking.
Each rib was then .... ever so slightly... "kissed" with their special secret sauce (puddled in the container) and placed in the oven to set the glaze.
At just the right moment, they were brushed again, for a second time, ensuring that they would tickle any kids taste buds.
We anxiously awaited the final result, with noses pressed to the glass ("Ouch, that's hot").
They were removed from the oven and let stand for 5 painful minutes (remember the nose) to redistribute the juices.
They were then, with surgical precision, sliced into individual, tongue teasing slices.
These award winning ribs were then placed in a very attractive serving container lined with crisp cilantro, chilled to the peak of perfection.
There was a brief photo op, then the lid was closed and the entry was rushed to the judges.
The judges (my kids) were amazed that this could be the same rack of ribs that we had started with.
There were "9's" flying everywhere on appearance!
Then came the taste and tenderness part of the judging.
The taste was less than "9's", but....
The tenderness jumped right back up to "9's" again! They said that they were so tender that they were falling off the bone! Wait, I didn't see any bones,
they must have just fallen right off them....!

To make a long story short, .........wait..........I have a sudden urge for them ribs right now!


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