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At least he did not submit a chicken sandwich as a burger or something like that. I do have to question the lettuce wrap, as I believe most acceptable entries on this forum require either a bacon or sausage wrap. But, that is a choice. What next, McRibofu? Muaahaaahaaa!
First and foremost I need to say that I don't hate McRibs. I enjoy the mild mass hysteria at their release, but I don't always partake. And I have to say this throwdown has added to my enjoyment of them even more. Thanks.

OK, now I know the McRib does not have the best reputation. The meat patty is a little suspect. I also know when we get bad meat we often associate the taste with old shoes. Looking at the McRib patty, it certainly isn't much of a stretch to imagine that it could just as easily have spent its life being a shoe. I decided to put this to the test and create an edible shoe using the McRib. Of course I needed a medium to work with, and the most obvious one was the potato. These were very carefully selected. I believe in a former life I may have been a cobbler:


I tried to add a few details


and made a few different styles


These were carefully baked to perfection in my Oval:


The last half hour they were unwrapped to firm up the "leather."


Finally I did some detailing with some roasted red pepper


and I also thought they could use a little more traction.


As you can see from below, there is a very nice tread


and here is the finished product


Now I know some of you may think this is completely crazy, but I want to draw your attention to this particular NASA photograph of the footprint on the moon made by the Apollo 11 astronaut Neil Armstrong on July 20, 1969.


I think it is obvious that the similarity between this and the McRib "footprint" cannot be explained away as mere coincidence. The treads are virtually identical! Naturally, this leads to a number of unanswered questions, the most important of which is how did the McRib get to the moon in 1969, when it supposedly had not been invented by McDonalds until 1981, some twelve years later. Obviously there was a massive government conspiracy to hide the true purpose of the McRib and when the truth began leaking out, it was released by McDonalds as a sandwich.:spy:

Thanks for looking!
Wow! Amazing! Incredible! Stunning! Shocking! Awe-Inspiring! Mind-Opening! A Paradigm Shift in Edible Footwear! NASA and McDonalds will never be the same!
Awww crap!! Did I really pick the same day as ecode to release a TD entry????

She's got farkin lunar landings and I gotz freakin eggplant for fark's sake!!!

Seriously? Don't you have someone else's life to screw up?? (pick gore! pick gore!)

I couldn't help but start singing the "Bear in tennis shoes" song in my head whilst I was checkin out yer pics... nice work! :wink:
Can I get a ruling on the team competition? Do we add up all the point from all the entries, or do we add up the lowest scores from the individual wives and the highest scores from the individual husbands? :becky:
I was going to wait until all the votes were tabulated to decide!:thumb:
Whuddabout team EP? Is there some sorta mega multiplier that we apply?
If we could pick a really big # to the power of say, 10 or more that would be sweet...
I can't believe you're making me say it! Yer gonna feel dumber once I tells you... Egg Plant, I called it team EP cuz it sounded cooler than team E.
If you want to join ask Guerry for a form.
:doh: Yeah, ok, I should have seen that coming I guess! :doh:

I assume that Team EP are those who cook eggplant that are not members of Team Wives, because Team Wives has actually WON with Eggplant!:shock:

Do you think a multiplier will keep Team EP away from a zero? :becky:
I can't believe you're making me say it! Yer gonna feel dumber once I tells you... Egg Plant, I called it team EP cuz it sounded cooler than team E.
If you want to join ask Guerry for a form.

Dang, I want in! Who do we compete against? I think we should go head-to-head with Team Husbands. :boxing:
These throwdowns are nutz, man.

Every time I open a TD thread I'm blown away by two things: 1) the entries by all the competitors and how kickass :crazy: they are, and 2) how farkin' far behind I am with my skills as a cook (or actually the lack thereof.... :doh:).
These throwdowns are nutz, man.

Every time I open a TD thread I'm blown away by two things: 1) the entries by all the competitors and how kickass :crazy: they are, and 2) how farkin' far behind I am with my skills as a cook (or actually the lack thereof.... :doh:).
Obviously you missed my first two entries then!:sick::sick::sick: