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I'll be in Athens for the spring game on the 12th.. looking forward to stopping by on the way. The food looks great man.
Congrats on a gutsy change of job. Better to do it early rather than late. Good for you. Your food looks great. The challenge comes when you cook and need to hold stuff for maybe long periods of time and still serve great product without compromise. Go get em!
Good luck on living the dream. The food looks great, so that is a positive. Just hope you are young enough to handle what is to come. If I ever am in the GA area, I'll have to stop by. Do we get special reservations if we mention we are the chef's "Brethren"? :mrgreen:
If you need anyone else to taste the food I'm willing to cross to the "other side" and roll up 85. Congrats bro- even though this means I'm sure we will see less of you on the comp trail.
I've never heard of fried ribs but they look amazing! Makes me wish I had a fryer to give it a try. Best of luck with your new endeavor!
One of the lucky ones where work and passion are one in the same. Congrats and best wishes for you and the restaurant. Next time I swing by Terrapin Brewery I will keep on a truckin' and get some great lookin' Q!