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question from new bbq-er -- burner shield issue


Found some matches.
Hi everyone,

I’m new to the grilling game – I received a hand-me-down gas grill (probably 10-15 years old) from a family friend a few months back and have really enjoyed grilling everything and anything this summer. I had an issue recently with my grill, and I wanted to check in with the experts to see if my grill is broken/I’m out of luck for the moment.

One of the ‘clips’ that holds up the burner shield above the burner bulbs has rusted off, and now for all intents and purposes, part of the shield touches the burner bulbs. When I turn on the grill, flames rise higher than the shield, and the part of the shield that touches the burner burns red. The food tastes OK and I haven’t burnt anything.

I guess my question is whether this is life threatening/dangerous to keep using the grill with this issue.

I’m sure this is a simple answer, so I appreciate you taking time to help a novice barbecuer like myself.

Might help to know the brand and model of the gas grill. Pictures too.

Are you sure it's a clip that holds the flavorizer bar? On the Weber gassers I have seen, it's more like a notch in the base that the bar sits on. I am thinking maybe your flavorizer bar rusted and and it dropped?

The following guy sells replacements on eBay that are thick enough that they should never rust through again, and he sells for a decent price. You'll just need to search for the set that fits your gasser.

Sounds good. Let us know the make and model of the grill, and take pictures of the flavorizer bar both on the grill and off. Someone should be able to point you in the right direction. PM me if need be...
My Fellow Brethren From Maryland, please allow me to Beseech Ye to Part
your EVIL Ways With the Devil's tool - the Gasser. (Please Bow in silence).
Oh Brethren - WE can SHOW you the Way to a Weber 22" Kettle? Or a 26" Monster."
Please, lay off the Gas, go - Au Natural!!!
My Fellow Brethren From Maryland, please allow me to Beseech Ye to Part
your EVIL Ways With the Devil's tool - the Gasser. (Please Bow in silence).
Oh Brethren - WE can SHOW you the Way to a Weber 22" Kettle? Or a 26" Monster."
Please, lay off the Gas, go - Au Natural!!!

haha yeah, i know, i know.. baby steps

anyway, here's some information and photos as promised - thanks again for your help, everyone.

grill type: Master Forge - i believe it's this one:


and here are some photos of what i was trying to explain above. you can see the outline of where the 'clip' used to be.

any ideas/information/concerns are really helpful.. thanks again for being so helpful.



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Ok, that's definitely NOT what I was thinking. Thinking Smitty's post above may be a good idea.

Did I just say that???
That shouldn't be that hard to fabricate,you have a pattern to go by on the other end. Should just need some simple hand tools. Worse case,put a couple of screws where the other one was attached and some wire to hold it up. Good luck with your gasser I love mine :biggrin1: