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I would be willing to pay an extra 10-20 dollars an event for fair scoring.

And, how in the world would fair be defined? System works now, no need to reinvent the wheel.....
Agree with most here, consistency is the key, and that is why you see a lot of the same teams over and over....with different judges, different parts of the country....ala, Lotta Bull....Mike does not win every contest, but, I am sure that if you looked at his score sheets, he will be pretty much consistent over a period of time. Take a breath, and realize that at the end of the day, there is some in any scoring system, a lot of skill (getting to the point of consistency) and that sweet sells.....a lot more than blazing hot spiced will......

afterall, it is just bbq
I think that you should cook in more than one contest, before you want to start torpedoing our circuit. Get a better taste for it and then make reservations.

I have cooked in more than one contest. Wanting things to be better, more fair, more consistent, is not “torpedoing”. Personalizing this does not really accomplish anything. This is about rule changes. Many organizations have rule changes. It is not an insult to the competitors or judges.

Can you explain, if this system is so flawed (your standards), that the same teams are winning? As I know that these teams do not use the same flavor profiles that you accuse everyone of submitting.

“Accusing” is not really accurate. Nothing says that the same teams would be winning; I have seen scores that were off by very narrow margins. The results could be different if judges were as consistent as you think the teams should be.

I do, personally think, there is sameness in what is turned in and wins consistently. Nothing says that the teams that win now would not still be the teams that win if rule changes were made.

I guess I would question why anyone would be so worried about rule changes that make it fair and consistent for everyone, if as has been stated over and over here “cream floats to the top”

All it would do is bring real integrity to the scores, which, and it is not just me who has said it, is lacking to a degree.

Look, it's the Kansas City Barbeque Society. You aren't going to get Memphis style or Texas style cooking. If you want to win, try cooking KC style. It's a great way to look at it and to succeed.

The rules for judges very clearly state that the food is to be judged for what it is, not for what it isn’t. No where does it state you must cook “Kansas City” barbeque. This is a fallacy that has no basis in fact.

All that is happening now, is a dog chasing it's tail argument.

I don’t think that healthy discourse is pointless. It can only improve things in the end.
Thanks Larry.........much much, and I mean, MUCH better........maybe if they just go ahead and lock the thread now....we can all get back to prepping meat, shooting the SH**, and talking about something important like, I dunno, alcohol poisoning, a bi-product of competitions, or, or poor pouring control
Thanks Larry.........much much, and I mean, MUCH better........maybe if they just go ahead and lock the thread now....we can all get back to prepping meat, shooting the SH**, and talking about something important like, I dunno, alcohol poisoning, a bi-product of competitions, or, or poor pouring control

You do have the option of not reading it. Clearly contributing somethng useful is not something you are interested in.

I think it is kind of cute, in the same way I look at my kids when they say something silly, that you try to negate any kind of positive responses with silly pictures, trite messages and name calling.

But hey, it's your time, spend it anyway you wish.
I will say that you are Unrelenting!!

Some "Food for Thought" on letting it go.... ("Pun intended")

Admitting the obvious truth - that you are not responsible to affect a change or correct a problem which is beyond your competency, power, authority or responsibility.

Releasing over-responsibility - giving permission to yourself to be free from an overresponsible sense of obligation, duty, or requirement to make everything "perfect'' in your life and the life of others.

Get rational about what you can and cannot do - becoming realistic about what is and is not your obligation or duty to correct, change, or control.

Problem solving conclusion - culmination of extensive problem solving, brainstorming, and testing alternatives with the final conclusion that you can do nothing to change the circumstances of the issue out of your reach and control and that it would be saner and more realistic to free your energy.

And last but certainley not least.......

Freedom from Idealism - often due to your idealism and irrational belief system about how perfect things should be that you get trapped into unhealthy efforts to solve things which don't need to be solved, and by letting go you gain the ability to free up and focus on yourself, the one thing you can control and change.
That's cute. Where did you copy it from?

We all have the ability to effect change. This, once again, is not about me. over 75% of the posters to this forum, that have responded to the poll, think some change is needed.

The only question is what change? Everyone could have a voice in that. If you would rather spend your time not adding to a healthy, useful dialogue, that is up to you.

There are others who wish to see things be better.

But maybe that is the "Old Guard" mentality, harass, obfuscate and muddy the waters with trite, meaningless, even hateful expression, so others that DO care, can't be heard.
Everybody needs to read THIS post and make sure they understand it.

You will be civil, and extend common courtesy to each other. That means no personal attacks, or name calling, no belittling comments. If you act like adults you will be treated accordingly.
Thank you Jorge. I will certainly do my part. It would be nice to see the return of the people with ideas.
What makes for a professional judge? is it the size of your cooler you bring for the leftovers? or the number of times you judge in a year?
Your entry fee covers the cost of that event. It does nothing towards funding the other activities of the organization.

That's right, it coveres the cost of the event. What happens in that event, judging of meats. What scoring system is used in a KCBS scantioned event, KCBS.

Thanks for highliting my point!