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Quintessential Chatty Farker
Feb 15, 2006
Waynesville, Ohio
At the Dayton Vineyard, we've done some form of the Pretty Good BBQ since 2008, with one year being only cooks from the church due to some scheduling and other stuff, but it still happened.

For those of us here that came all the way to Dayton, Ohio, to cook for a neighborhood that needs all the love it can get, I want to thank you. Those words aren't enough, really, to say to everyone driving in from all over the place.. Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Canada... Dan Chambers even made it one year (still praying he can do it again). You gave of your time, your talent, your hearts and even bought all the food the first year!

Roger, you deserve a special thanks (not that everyone doesn't, too), but you have come to the church and made sure, even though you were in pain yourself, that everyone was taken care of, had deer chili, had room to cook whatever was being cooked, and just made the whole thing easier. I've never told you enough how much I appreciate you.

So, this year, the church wanted to move the event to September. In more planning, it's turned out that the event won't be happening this year. I've prayed and thought about this, thinking we could do something to raise the money. However, the church schedule is still a problem. When it comes down to it, the church has to set priorities. Everything is tougher right now for churches in general, it seems, and I get that. With the church setting priorities, I think it's best, as a member of that church, to accept that. I'll continue to try to have the PGBBQ next year and beyond, but this year isn't going to happen, and that's ok.

The fact is that we, the group that supported the PGBBQ in whatever way, whether coming to cook, sending money, praying, whatever, made a big impact on lives that rarely see anything offered without strings... and you all did it with no strings at all. I love that we were able to be involved in something God blessed, and you all blessed many others in return.
This doesn't mean it's over... It's just not happening in Dayton this year.

However, if someone wanted to organize this sort of thing, I would be glad to help out!
All the PGBBQs were done because God wanted them done, I think (pretty strongly). This year, there are other things to spend resources on, and other things that need attention and resources. Next year, that may change again.

Whatever next year brings, I've been blessed by all of you that have helped, prayed, donated, whatever.