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Full Fledged Farker
Dec 14, 2012
McDonough, GA
Y'all have to forgive me, but I'm like a kid on Christmas afternoon with a new toy. Today I figured lets try a pizza in the Copperhead 5 vertical pellet smoker. Now where did I put that pizza stone we don't use anymore....

Ok, first fired up the PB5 to 400* and after putting the stone in, let it heat for 20 minutes or so at 400*. The pizza is nothing special, just a Kroger deli "double pepperoni" the wife picked up on mark down that I tossed in the freezer when she bought it (I told you she was a mark down ninja!). I tossed a few extra pepperoni slices on just because and added extra cheese. Store pizza never seems to have enough cheese topping. Still using the Pit Boss hickory pellets I dumped in for the burn in and last 2 smokes (it was a 20 lb bag). I may dump out what's left tomorrow and weigh it to see how frugal the smoker is with pellets.



Yeah, I confess.... That's the foil "drip pan" from the wings. Tomorrow will be a proper cleaning as this is 3rd smoke and I really need to clean out the fire pot.

After 20'ish minutes, this is what I got. Looked pretty dang good to me. The taste was great, just a slight hint of smoke due to the high temps and short time.


I almost forgot to check the crust and take a photo. So forgive the test bite. Crust was done and had a nice texture on the stone. It's a fairly thin synthetic ceramic stone.


After the pizza was done, I dropped the temp to 250 and tossed in 2 packages of chorizo the wife picked up (again on mark down for half price). After I cook them, I will pulse the links in the food processor to grind them. Then I take some and have them for breakfast. I usually put a little butter/oil in the pan, put in a healthy scoop of ground cooked chorizo and after a quick heat, the scrambled eggs are poured in to cook around the sausage. Makes a damn tasty breakfast! Sorry no photos of the sausage.
Nice! Looks like you are putting it through its paces. Only thing I would suggest is making sure the pellets are lumped in the middle of the hopper if you go to sleep on a long cook. Also, as I said in your other thread, make some jerky on this joker. You will be pleased. Keep these cooks coming!