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PBC Cook-Off!

Ok folks, the PBC Cook-off Discussion/Entry thread has been posted. You can find it HERE.

Im looking forward to seeing what all we get cooked in the PBC.....Good luck!

Oh IMPORTANT.......Its stated in the thread, but entries must be cooked from 13 May to 23 May.....dont be early or LATE.....:becky:
Well, Bob was absolutely right!! It seems like it doesn't really matter what temp the PBC runs at. It will produce gloriousness under any condition! The pork butt turned out amazing! The blade bone damn near fell out after letting it rest for 45 minutes. Even with the temp issues, this is one of the best pork butts I've done....EVAR!!! I think the weather was to blame for the temps being all outta whack. It was a 60 degree day with ungodly amounts of humidity. We've been under a dense fog advisory for the majority of the day. That had to have contributed to the craziness. After I wrapped, temps spiked again and went as high as 465 and just hung there! After that, they settled back down to about 320 and stayed there for the rest of the cook. Despite all that, the PBC amazes once again!!

I took a few quick cell phone pics so I'll post them tomorrow.
A few quick pics from yesterdays cook.......

Here is the bone exactly as it was right after I pulled it out of the pork butt. Squeaky clean!! Like I said like night, it almost fell out on its own after unwrapping.

Some delicious bark action:

Ended up with some great color on it and it was moist throughout:

After this last pic, I started snacking on it, which then turned into me making a full blown sammich which never existed long enough to make it on camera.

Here is the bone exactly as it was right after I pulled it out of the pork butt. Squeaky clean!! Like I said like night, it almost fell out on its own after unwrapping.

Some delicious bark action:

Ended up with some great color on it and it was moist throughout:

After this last pic, I started snacking on it, which then turned into me making a full blown sammich which never existed long enough to make it on camera.

Beautiful. Me want some.
quick question .... I am smoking 6 butts (3 in PBC and 3 in UDS) for a fund raiser next weekend. Here's the catch. the car show fundraiser is after school on Monday, I need to cook all 6 on Sunday and bring to school, as the car show starts right after school.
should I
A) finish the butts and pull on Sunday night, put in ziplock and once at school throw in crockpots on low
B) Bring them close to done, leave in foil, put the butts in crockpots (out of foil) to finish and pull on monday?
What is the better idea?
PBC Appreciation 1 year Anniversary Cook-off Update

You may have noticed, but just in case, the Cook-off thread was moved to the Throwdown subforum. That's where you'll enter and eventually vote on the entries.

For those of you who aren't familiar with the Throwdowns you can access them in QTALK at the top of the page in the BBQ Brethren Throwdown subforum. They work just like what we are doing with this cook-off. If you haven't already, check them out. You can learn a lot and be amazed at some of the creative people we have here. Also they are a lot of fun to participate in. I've entered a few, Sako is a regular and there are others you may recognize. If you like participating in the PBC Cook-off you should get involved in the TD's as well you'll enjoy it! :thumb:

Here's a link to the Brethren Throwdowns

And here's the link to the PBC Cook-off...
Hey all! I am new to this forum, and new to the PBC. I'm having a great time reading all the great info here, and looking at the awesome pics!

I ham one cook into getting to know my PBC. I did a couple of racks of BB ribs - didn't check temps and decided to follow the general guidelines. Well, my cook was apparently too hot, as the ribs at 3.5 hours were way overdone. They tasted good, if you like rib crisps :razz:

I'm going to do 6 racks tomorrow, and plan to close my vent a little more (I'm in the Los Angeles area, and it's barely open as it is), and will monitor temps and cooking progress a little closer. But I have a question. I got a fair bit of smoke coming from around the lid, not so much through the rebar holes. Does that sound right?

Welcome Barry!

It does sound like your cooker is running hot. And you shouldn't have smoke coming from around the lid of your PBC as long as it's on properly and all the way on. You may have an issue there which will cause it to run hotter. At your elevation you should have your intake 1/4 open. We have a member here, ssv3, who lives in your area and he can confirm this but I'm pretty sure his is configured to 1/4 open. If you have a leaky lid it may be worth a call to Noah at Pit Barrel. I have no doubt he will help you and even replace your cooker of it needs to be. Speaking of that, have you checked to make sure your barrel isn't out of round? If so you may be able to correct that yourself if it's not too bad....
Even if you have issues you should still be able to cook tomorrow you might just have to close your intake farther and possibly all the way if you have leaks. But you should be able to cook it just might be a tad bit painful....
Also, what is your startup process? How do you light your coals, ect.....
Ribs on!



Welcome Barry!

It does sound like your cooker is running hot. And you shouldn't have smoke coming from around the lid of your PBC as long as it's on properly and all the way on. You may have an issue there which will cause it to run hotter. At your elevation you should have your intake 1/4 open. We have a member here, ssv3, who lives in your area and he can confirm this but I'm pretty sure his is configured to 1/4 open. If you have a leaky lid it may be worth a call to Noah at Pit Barrel. I have no doubt he will help you and even replace your cooker of it needs to be. Speaking of that, have you checked to make sure your barrel isn't out of round? If so you may be able to correct that yourself if it's not too bad....
Even if you have issues you should still be able to cook tomorrow you might just have to close your intake farther and possibly all the way if you have leaks. But you should be able to cook it just might be a tad bit painful....
Also, what is your startup process? How do you light your coals, ect.....

Thanks Andrew! I will check that lid fit for sure. I started with 40 briquettes in a chimney. I am planning to cut that by a few, as some suggest.

I will report back!

Thanks Andrew! I will check that lid fit for sure. I started with 40 briquettes in a chimney. I am planning to cut that by a few, as some suggest.

I will report back!


You may already know this but just in case......The PBC lid fits pretty snug. You may have to give a slight push down on it to get it to seat properly and seal up. If you just sit the lid down you may not be sealing it......just a thought.
quick question .... I am smoking 6 butts (3 in PBC and 3 in UDS) for a fund raiser next weekend. Here's the catch. the car show fundraiser is after school on Monday, I need to cook all 6 on Sunday and bring to school, as the car show starts right after school.
should I
A) finish the butts and pull on Sunday night, put in ziplock and once at school throw in crockpots on low
B) Bring them close to done, leave in foil, put the butts in crockpots (out of foil) to finish and pull on monday?
What is the better idea?

I would do option A so I was ready to rock n roll on Monday and you would know how the pork turned out by pulling it Sunday. Of course, you would not want to start it in the warmers too early Monday. Good luck!
I spoke with Noah yesterday, I'll be trickling out some news pertaining to the Cook-off, but the first little bit is......I asked him if he'd be willing to ship the prize to the winner if it requires international shipping and he said YES! That's great news as it allows even those outside of the US to compete if they own a PBC! :thumb: