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Knows what a fatty is.
Jun 4, 2016
Dallas, TX
I've been jonesin' to play with outdoor wok cooking for a while. I had read Kenji's ideas at serious eats on the subject and decided i would make the buddha's delight recipe from that site for my wife for lunch.

I spent yesterday afternoon at the hong kong market tracking down the ingredients. Hydrated the dry stuff overnight. The sauce smelled great to me with the shiitake today.

I lit a full chimney and let it gray up on top pretty well. Unfortunately I found that the wok really killed the coals when i set it on top of the chimney. Maybe some holes up top would help it out. It was not near hot enough so i fired the side burner on my gasser and finished the cook on there. It did mich better, but still nowhere near what i wanted.

Unfortunately my wife did not like the recipe. She appreciated the efiort, but it was a fail. She really could not handle the chow pai yu. Mostly though she said there was not much flavor in it, she thought it just tasted like soy sauce.

No biggie, I learned some things. This afternoon I dug out my banjo cooker, I figured that should pit out the heat I was looking for. I tested it with just half a wok full of water. It got a raging boil pretty quick, but i could smell a little plastic smell. After I shut'er down I saw the booster handle on the other side had cracked. Instead of buying something with no plastic I think I will bust the plastic off surrounding the metal and just plan on wearing geilling gloves with it. If that does not work I will go back to the HK market and look at the wok sets they have. Something with a lid would be good any way.

Good times. I have a few other stir fry recipes bookmarked to try, so will be fun to work on this technique until I get it dialed. I will post some photos in a minute from the computer in a minute. I cant seem to get the bbcode from flickr on my iphone.