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Hey everyone...if cooking low and slow, what time would you start cooking and how would you do this?

I have two 16lb whole briskets and one 9lb flat.

The cook will be on a UDS (works pretty good, used it first time last weekend).

The time we are suppossed to be done is 5 pm on Saturday.

Would you start with the whole briskets and put the flat on later so they finish at or close to the same time or would you just throw them all on and just keep checking and remove when finished or done?
I don't have access to search.

I have read several times here about a tooth pick test or probe tender, can you exlain?

I may try the hot fast method but maybe not this time.

When you can slide a temp probe or ice pick (thirdeye or funk mod) in to your meat and it slides in and out like hot butter. Maybe not that smooth..:biggrin:

Hey everyone...if cooking low and slow, what time would you start cooking and how would you do this?

I have two 16lb whole briskets and one 9lb flat.

The cook will be on a UDS (works pretty good, used it first time last weekend).

The time we are suppossed to be done is 5 pm on Saturday.

Would you start with the whole briskets and put the flat on later so they finish at or close to the same time or would you just throw them all on and just keep checking and remove when finished or done?

Nobody can give you an exact time but remember that drums cook faster than other cookers and you can keep the meat warm in a cooler or cambro for a few hours if it gets done early.

It does seem realistic to start the packer and then add the flat a little later. Good luck and let us know how it goes.
kik, first thing you need to do is relax and let your heart beat a little slower. Seriously. Send me a PM. Is the meat thawed and ready to work with? Relax bro, you will be fine.
kik, first thing you need to do is relax and let your heart beat a little slower. Seriously. Send me a PM. Is the meat thawed and ready to work with? Relax bro, you will be fine.

Don't PM HIM!!!! He's just going to try to get your sister's address and crash the party for some Q!!!

Nice try Meat! :wink:

Kik, yer gonna do fine! relax & have fun... some of the best Q I've made has been when I cared the least about how it turned out. Set it, forget it and have fun with your family!

The last thing you want your sis to see is that you're nervous about it... cool confidence man.
D day is tomorrow....

going to be fun...yeah fo sho, but man, this is nerve racking.... LOL

I'll start taking pictures and post from start to finish. The weather is starting, freezing rain right now and should change to snow but we both have the same playing field....
They must have forced him to eat bad brisket. :twisted:

Remember Kik, we don't need pictures. Just a description.
Lie to us and tell you that you won so I can quit clicking on this thread! ;) I hope all went well.
I won!

By one vote!!!

I'll show pictures as soon as I can...good food (could have been better though), good fun. I'm tired....

So you voted? Hehehehehe I am sure it was awesome! I do know that some people who have never had real BBQ need time to adjust. Then they will call you, hound you, be on your doorstep, bring meat over to cook,every holiday be near your house. Then you will start seeing their friends wanting to buy your product. Sorry its apart of the addiction. Since we are both in STL your more than welcome to come over and share expierences and have a few. Door is always open to our brethren/sisterin when I am cooking.... Congrats Sir!
Getting it ready.......


poked a hole in the bag and poured marinade in through a funnel, then some box tape to seal it back up.
In the cooler on ice.



all rubbed down with my secret special rub! (LOL)


IT'S ON! GO....mine is on right, sis is on left....(she had to build a UDS too), she didn't want to get beat by me useing a homemade smoker and her with a 1000 dollar one...LOL




cooked a couple fattys for lunch...(it was better than the brisket!


this is my Angus flat, it was good, maybe the reason I won.


this is both the Angus and what I thought was good enough to feed everyone.


Sis's is on left, mine is middle and My sis had a local food processor cook one just in case we screwed's on the right and wasn't judged. (I don't think anyone liked it though)
