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Full Fledged Farker
Dec 8, 2015
Have started seeing more discussion about vertical offset pits like the LSG. What is the difference in terms of how you cook on them etc... vs a regular offset?

Don't forget Direct Firebox Vertical Stickburners. More even temps than a standard offset not running tunning plates/convection plate. Smaller Footprint. Slightly more efficient. Room to Hang Meats. No Heavy cook chamber door to lift.
Pretty much covered ^^^

What I like; most important for me was the smaller footprint, insane draft, whole lot of capacity, variable shelving configurations, hanging meats option, cooks a bit faster, opening a closing the door a breeze.

Only disadvantage I can think of is that you can't smoke a whole pig, lamb. Well, can't cook that big of a pig for instance but if you go with the LSG 30" it's doable. :becky:

This one I did was 40lbs IIRC so if you've got a crowd you can easily fit two in :nod:

What about vertical temp stability? On something like the lsg vo If i measured 250f on the very top grate, what would i expect on the middle grate and bottom grate?
What about vertical temp stability? On something like the lsg vo If i measured 250f on the very top grate, what would i expect on the middle grate and bottom grate?

With the tuning plates situated per Chris' instructions, the difference is 5-10* left to right/top to bottom. A lot of folks "fine tuned" theirs but I didn't bother. Only hotspot I've noticed is on the top left of the upper two grates right next to the dual exhausts due to the draft. Nothing major but a little bit of char on surface and not burnt to a crisp or inedible. It's pretty impressive how even the temps are throughout the pit.
I get pretty close temps in several verticals just using a water pan. Waterpan also collects drippings so they don't burn on the hot plate over the fire as mine are Direct firebox. I have had a bandera style vertical offset and temps were pretty even running a baffle and waterpan.
