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Full Fledged Farker
Jul 29, 2018
Los Angeles, CA
Name or Nickame
As part of yesterday’s cook, I halved and seeded/depulped a spaghetti squash that had been sitting around the fridge since the week before last’s veggie box delivery (Imperfect Produce, but that’a a whole other thing), rubbed it with some olive oil that may have gone to second base on occasion and sprinkled it with a little Q-Salt. Put it on the top shelf and moved it face down to the grill after about an hour for just long enough to get some grill marks on it.

Holy cow! For those who think of spaghetti squash as a bland sort of low-carb pasta substitute only suitable for carrying sauce, cheese and meatballs or sausage into your gaping maw I suggest you try this. It takes smoke really well (I had tossed a bunch of cherry wood chips on the coals) and stays a little al dente, for a very nice texture that packs a real flavor bomb.

So tonight’s dinner was a few slices of yesterday’s smoked pork loin with my secret (only because I haven’t told anybody yet) rub, some of the smoky spaghetti squash, some sugar-free red onion jam that I made up this weekend and a dab of mayo wrapped in a low-carb tortilla, along with a grilled portabello cap and half a medium zucchini that were also part of yesterday’s cook. It was so good, I ate the thing before I could take a picture of it. If I make another one tomorrow night (which is likely, as I’ve got three more pork loin chunks that I grilled/smoked), I’ll try to do better on the visual reporting.

So what’s your favorite veggie to grill or smoke? I’m also a fan of grilled fennel bulbs and smoking a whole garlic bulb is pretty special, too.
Eggplant sliced 1/4" thick lengthways & brushed with olive oil.

Yup. I’ve also done eggplant with the Cornell Chicken marinade/mop. The egg content of the recipe makes a nice glaze, and traditional poultry seasoning works really well on eggplant.
We have several in the garden. must try this.

MSD ordered a Veggie box.................. I was not impressed
Interesting. I've only ever used it to accompany the sausage going into my maw.

Will have to try this sometime. :p
Sounds great!

Lately I've been grilling eggplant (painted with evoo) and zucchini and hit with either garlicky lemon or peppery lime salts from Naturiffic. Easy and farking delicious.
Sounds great!

Lately I've been grilling eggplant (painted with evoo) and zucchini and hit with either garlicky lemon or peppery lime salts from Naturiffic. Easy and farking delicious.

That's exactly how I did the zucchini from Monday's cook, right down to the Naturiffic.
I marinate sliced zucchini and summer squash in Italian dressing then grill and sprinkle with Parmesan right before taking them off the grill