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smoke ninja

somebody shut me the fark up.

Batch Image
Batch Image
Jan 3, 2014
Detroit michigan
I've been playing around with coarse rubs lately and a recent video from the Ole pitmaster is right on target.

This is my first go fixin ribs with this recipe and I figured I'd post it win lose or draw.

Before I started I had to dig out my grill from nearly 2 ft of snow.

with that finished it's time to prepare the spritz and rub. The spritz is Worcester, balsamic vinegar, and fish sauce cut with water. The rub is a combination including dirty dalmatian, coffee, garlic, onion and super coarse black pepper.

Here's the rub, it kinda looks like gravel in the pic (iI used peppercorn melody instead of straight black pepper)

A light coat of generic bbq rub followed by a hot sauce slather goes on before the coarse rub

They've been on for an hour now at 275. I'll hit em with the spritz in about another hour.
And done

Conclusion: they were good and savory, a bit more color than I wanted. The ribs had a brisket like bark too them which isn't a bad thing, just it was bit more than the pics from Killens. I'd like to try without the regular rub and just slightly less gravel rub. I like the idea of the hot sauce slather I'll give it a try on future cooks. I also think hitting a rack with a pinch of the gravel will add something to my standard rib cooks. The spritz added a nice savory element, I think I liked it more than just watered down Worcester. I'll give this method another go and see how it goes. definitely techniques here that I'll use in other cooks, I like to mix up my rib cooks to keep things from getting stale. Thanks for sharing Donnie