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kiwi bbqer

Got rid of the matchlight.
Mar 28, 2017
Ruawai New Zealand
hi guys
yip got interested in usa style bbqing from watching the shows on tv, very different to our bbqs over here.
have had a interest in smoking etc for a while as im a qualified butcher,which comes in handy for prepping meats for bbqing :-D.
have gone from placing logs on one gas burner on my nz bbq ,to make smoke , to buyin a small traeger pellet bbq, now im keen to get into a off set smoker.not many made over here so going to have to import , maybe from oz as cheaper for shipping.
this style is really new to our country but can see it will be a hit, so keen to get into it now while catering etc.
im looking at heading over to the states in November , December, to look at the different styles , try and learn techniques, some secrets , and try and gain some knowledge from the guys who have pioneered the art!!
im looking at heading to dallas and making my way across to north Carolina. would love any suggestions or offers of help.
hope to catch up with a few guys of here !
Welcome to the forum from down here in Victoria.
Nice friendly bunch here that are very sharing with information.
Enjoy your time here, I sure have
Welcome aboard Dayle, glad to have you as a fellow Brethren here.

I hope to see you in the Q-Talk forum soon. You'll find help on almost every topic from cooking your first Pork Butt to curing and smoking your own ham and bacon.

If you can't find the topic you need help with, or have questions about, just start a new thread in "Q-Talk". There are many people with years of experience that are willing to answer your questions and guide you in the right direction.
Welcome aboard Dayle! I'm in the Dallas area and can give suggestions about Texas BBQ for you. Sounds like a great holiday that you have planned.