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Full Fledged Farker
Sep 19, 2008
Saline, MI
It's finally done...well almost. It'll be done by the time I get back from Atlanta on 10/7 at which time I'll drag it home, file off some weld spatter, paint it, season it, and then it's time for the Beta-Q.

"Let me explain. No, there's too much. Let me sum up" (Indigo Montoya, Princess Bride mod)
Over the past few years I've built up a couple of favors. I was able to get a piece of steel cylinder 36" in dia, almost 9' long, 3/8" thick for free from a guy I who's company I saved a lot of money. I only wanted about a 5' length, and it didn't need to be 3/8" for sure, but I didn't look a gift horse in the mouth. Then a family member that happens to own a steel fab shop and who I've cooked for in the past, offered to make my smoker if I continued to cook for him, and at his company picnics in the future. (There's a no brainier!) He said he had tons (literally) of scrap steel and he'd build whatever I wanted.

The cylinder was to short to make (2) 5' smokers, and too long to consider just cutting off 5' and scrapping the rest. So, I utilized it to it's fullest potential. And, here it is. It's overkill on so many different levels, I know. But, minus the trailer, I haven't paid a dime for it. I've learned that steel guys solve things by throwing more steel at it. The trailer is an old horse trailer that I had demo'd the horse part and kept the trailer part. Come spring I will be getting a new trailer for this beast to be mounted to. Right now it's kind of cumbersome to open the doors, but oh well. I can live with it till spring. After all, it was free.

The body is now 7'-10" long, the 28" sq. fire box is recessed 8" and is double walled and insulated with 1800 degree ceramic blanket insulation on all 6 sides. :shock: The fire box and baffle are both made of 3/8" steel plate. Total weight is about 2000 lbs :shock::shock::icon_shock1::icon_shock1:

It's got (1) 24" door, and (1) 48" door, and behind each is (2) expanded steel removable cooking grates. The doors each have custom fab'd torsion spring hinges to aid in lifting (the 48" door is still pretty darn heavy!).

I know this thing is going to be a fuel hog, but I'm hoping that the insulated firebox really helps. I do a couple of big cooks for the church (and now my cousin's company) every year so I know it will be utilized.

All that's left now is to paint, season, and Beta-Q. I'm thinking green body with black fire box....AND RIBS!!!

Sad thing is that I've already got some modifications thought up, but I don't want to open my mouth and look ungrateful. I'll wait till next year.

Oh man... That sucker's BIG! And the firebox looks like a small safe. Great job.

Keep sending that pron, bro. I wanna see 'er when's she's all painted and ready!

Dang Scott, you weren't kidding!
Very impressive build, and a reverse flow to boot!
I think you'd be surprised how fuel efficent it really is, with the insulated firebox.
Similiar to a Klose that BBQ Bull owns and that thing chugged along in cold weather on hardly nothing!
Thanks guys, I'll post more pron after the weekend of the 11th.

The insulation was Walt's idea, he gave me a little insight at the Silver Lake comp. I wish I would have stumbled onto this forum sooner. I've even read a previous post where Dave Klose gave out his phone number and offered to answer any questions. You guys are awesome <sniff, sniff>.

Oh, and I've got detailed drawings of The Monster, too. That's what we engineers do when we're board. They need to be revised a little show the insulated fire box, though. Per Dave's example (and many others), I'll forward the pdf's to anyone that wants to take a look at them. Just PM me your e-mail address.

Maybe I'll try and contact Mr. Bull for a little insight on how to handle the fire box.
:eusa_clap:eusa_clapVery nice!:eusa_clap:eusa_clap and you are right, we do throw more steel at it to fix it.

I think that trailer could use some mods instead of scraping it. You could make that one work very well much cheaper than getting a new one. Just a thought. (thinking of welding on it:twisted:)

I want to build myself a trailer beast. maybe this winter. :roll:
Very nice. Can't wait to see it loaded and smoking.:eusa_clap:eusa_clap:eusa_clap

Photobucket tip...if you click on the IMG code and paste it in the thread your pictures will show up in the thread instead of the readers having to click on each link.
Drive safely towing that big monster...looks like the CG is a bit high.

Congrats on the new toy!


That thing is AMAZING! Great Job Bro, can't wait to see her finished and smoking.

It's all cool, but - I LOVE THOSE HINGES :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
Looks great .....the thing I would say because I use a lang is that I would want it turned around on trailor. the firebox at rear easier to get to and being so close to that wood on deck of trailor it may start on fire....Just my .02
When you put the live cow inside the main chamber those hinges will ensure it won't get out. What is that One inch?
I was also going to comment on the hinges... Talk about over engineered! Now, there ain't a thing wrong with that!

Good looking build. I too am anxiously awaiting further progress pics!
Thanks to all for the comments and the insight. Knowing that you guys are out there to offer advice based on past experience is comforting. And I value all the advice.

The smoker is placed on the trailer bass-ackwards because the other way caused the tongue to lift. To fix that and still keep the fire box aft, we would have had to put the center of mass forward of the axles, which would mean we'd have to extend the tongue to avoid the cooking chamber hitting the tailgate of my truck. Sure, we could have thrown more steel at it, but I believe my favors have been used up with the steel guys.... at least until I start bringing in roasting pans full of pulled pork!
I have a guy lined up that builds custom trailers. We'll be devising a custom trailer throughout the winter and come spring we'll move the Monster to it's permanent, safer, trailer. For now, it is cumbersome to open the doors, but I can live with it till spring.

Anybody got any advice on what I should build into my new trailer?
I would try and cover up this corner - otherwise some one is going to fall on it, eventually...............


  • smoker01.jpg
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By the way, is there an exhaust baffle on it?

I wish I had something like this - don;t need it, but I'd still like to have it.