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Full Fledged Farker
Aug 1, 2014
Arkansas City, KS
Have cooked a lot of Chucky's in the Crock...but my first on the smoker. Was only able to find a small one 3.5 lbs. Have always liked making sammies with this stuff...french dip style.


Prepped it up with some Oakridge BBQ Black OPS rubs and some Worshire and put it back in the fridge for 8 hours.


Got it started at 9PM and thru it on straight from the fridge with a tube of pellet just for the extra smoke taste I like so much...used some Hickory pellets and set the Yoder at 225 degrees.


These are some new probe clips I made by silver soldering two alligator clips together after flattening the ends...stays in place way better than foil ball!


Chopped up some Onions, Orange & Yellow Peppers and Small Potabella Mushrooms and added some more rub and Worshire and mixed it up and threw it back in the fridge.



Did not open the smoker until 7 hours later when it hit 165 degrees.


Dumped the marinating veggies in a foil pan...set meat on top and dumped a beer in. Covered her up tight and put back on...raised the temp to 250 degrees.



At 7am it was at 205 degrees and I tested for probe tender...nope...7:30 208 degrees...nope...8:15am we are done at 211 degrees.


Wrapped the meat in foil and placed on the rings and its the County Sheriff activating me as a storm chaser. We had severe storms all night and thankfully my porch is covered.

Had to leave immediately and just covered the veggies and threw them and the meat wrapped tight in foil in the fridge and went out to chase tornados...this one lifted about 5 seconds before this shot when I was able to find a clear spot to get a pic...thankfully was only on ground for very short run and hit nothing but fence and fields.


Well hopefully it tastes OK...had to run straight to my job after the storm so no time to try my food...sammies are on the menu for a midnight snack tonight though!
Ha what a tease! You did all that work and life takes you away from your prize. Cool photo of the storm though that's nuts. Hope you get to enjoy your cook.
Storm spotter

I live in an area that has storms and "nados" I do appreciate or storm spotter and wish to thank you for your service as well. Be safe my good man
a 3.5lb roast was an overnight cook?

yep...just ran at 225 until the foil...250 after. I was surprised how slow the temp came up in the meat. Had a pretty good stall at about 150 just like a Butt. Using quality temp gear so I know my readings were accurate. I had read somewhere here on another thread that this was common with smaller Chucky's...don't make sense to me...but doesn't surprise me either.


I live in an area that has storms and "nados" I do appreciate or storm spotter and wish to thank you for your service as well. Be safe my good man

Your community thanks you.

And it looks awesome!

Thanks for the support! I am a bit of an adrenaline junky and community service is really needed in small towns,,,plus I don't own a TV so I have to find ways to spend my time and I really rather be outside. I try to stay safe but sometimes you just have to dive into a ditch! I have scrapped 2 truck so far in hail damage :oops:

Grabbed the meat and took to work today with some Italian bread. Was a little dry I think because I did not let it rest properly. Flavor is great though! I don't get fancy and just sliced some up..threw it in the toaster oven with some cheese on top...Some red onion and Miracle Whip and it was pretty pics because we cannot bring cell phones or cameras into my workplace...sorry.
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Glad nobody was hurt during the storm! Tornados are no fun.
Your food looks excellent!
^^^Yes I did...just finished my forth one at work tonight...this thing is good...a little dry...but tasty! Will take the rest with me to the house to get the final Pr0n shot as required by these threads...I don't get off till 3:30 in the morning and cameras, cell phones, or any electrical device that is not medical in nature is not allowed in my workplace. It's exactly like going thru a TSA checkpoint every day:mmph:
I had to Google "pepper stout beef" to find out what you were talking

I guess that is what you would call it. I ran into the recipe on Yoders website and just added mushrooms. Used Oakridge Rub and Worshire sauce instead. Website just called it easy chuck roast. Wish I would have had time to let it rest properly and pull it.