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Babbling Farker
Jun 27, 2015
Cincinnati OH
Name or Nickame
I am using a PK grill with a charcoal basket from the manufacturer. I arrange half a chimney of unlit coals around the edges with my wood chunks mixed in, then add another half chimney of hot coals in the center. The unlit coals toward one end catch and burn just fine. Much on the ones toward the food on the other side do not. I am using a foil drip pan under the food, but I don't think that would affect air flow much.

The only thing I can think of is next time I will put the unlit coals in the half that seems to catch well and the lit coals on the side that does not since they are already burning.

Any ideas, experiences, suggestions other than that?
This is what it looks like, although it makes the grill look bigger inside than it is. The coal basket and drip pan both come almost up to the food grate, and each takes up most of its half of the grill. That chicken they picture would be a small fryer, not a roaster.

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When I have done this, I used the PK charcoal basket and a foil half pan and put the until briquettes closest to the food, and added the lit briquettes away from the food, closest to the end of the PK. It burned fine that way and held 275 for the three hours that I needed it to with fuel left.