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I will check with my buddy, he has a rental company.....will post later....

my sister has one on their porch, but we might need two. the bge idea is pretty good and it'll ensure people sleep well! :shock:
you are asking me? i have no farking idea! hahaaa

i've tried to get someone to tell me how this all works, but no one said anything. i'm just making it up as i gooooooooooooo
Is everything still a go for November 8,9,10 and 11?
Rick; when you get a minute can you post some of the motel info.
Used to visit relatives in Miamisburg til they moved, are you between Dayton and there?

Motels? Who's sleeping at a motel? This is about hanging out, talking smack, drinking until we pass out, cooking of course, then doing it all over again the next day.

Rick and I are going to touch base this week and we'll post all of the details.
Motels? Who's sleeping at a motel? This is about hanging out, talking smack, drinking until we pass out, cooking of course, then doing it all over again the next day.

Rick and I are going to touch base this week and we'll post all of the details.

Great, what do we do after you pass out at 5:00??? :twisted:
Looking forward to it.....was great to meet ya this past weekend......and good way to break the neighbors in gently at a contest first.....**Ponders wearing Carolina Blue**.......transplanted and all.....
Rob I am sure we can pick up Bengals stuff cheap even their first game here in cincy the tickets didnt go for face value. are items are 50% off.
OK, so the dates in November are certain right? If so, I'll turn in for them off at work.

see, if you just drank some stuff that was meant to be drank you wouldnt be out at 5pm!!

Anybody here ever attend a bash?
I wont be in any shape to drive anywhere for any reason after my first drink!
I can sleep in my truck if I have an extension cord to plug in an electric heater if its like around 40.
The bashes ive attended folks were racked out on the floor, couch, a motorhome, back end of suv's ect.
If anybody here has the search function type in bashes.