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That's some really good looking meatloaf. I've said that if anyone ever eats a smoked meatloaf, they will never put one in the oven again. It's one of my very favorites.

I smoked my first meatloaf on my Original kettle last night too, and I have to say that I absolutely agree 100%. It was the same basic recipe that my wife normally uses for her "standard" recipe, but free-formed on a flattened aluminum pan and cooked over coals instead of in the oven. I love meatloaf, and this just put it over the top. Plus, not having to run the oven for an hour means that meatloaf can be cooked in the heat of the summer too!
Looks great, if you don't mind... At what temperature did you cook it? For how long? What temperature did you pull it out at?

I did one on Sunday night too. I tried to cook mine at around 400 degrees, but the first half of the cook was between 350-370 due to wind, so I kept it closer to 420 for the second half to get it done quicker (it was getting late and I had 2 small kids to feed). My total cook time was about an hour and 20 minutes, at which point I pulled it off. It was cooked through, but my temperature readings were consistently coming up low using my thermopen. I think the loaf wasn't packed together fully, which resulted in less than 100% contact area for the temperature sensor. My wife is gluten free, so I'm blaming the GF breadcrumbs that we used...
I did one on Sunday night too. I tried to cook mine at around 400 degrees, but the first half of the cook was between 350-370 due to wind, so I kept it closer to 420 for the second half to get it done quicker (it was getting late and I had 2 small kids to feed). My total cook time was about an hour and 20 minutes, at which point I pulled it off. It was cooked through, but my temperature readings were consistently coming up low using my thermopen. I think the loaf wasn't packed together fully, which resulted in less than 100% contact area for the temperature sensor. My wife is gluten free, so I'm blaming the GF breadcrumbs that we used...

It's ground beef. Its difficult to get accurate probing temps with ground meat products. I stuck my probe in at the thickest part it read 160 I pulled mine off. Didn't really care much after that point.
It's ground beef. Its difficult to get accurate probing temps with ground meat products. I stuck my probe in at the thickest part it read 160 I pulled mine off. Didn't really care much after that point.

I probed the thickest part and got around 140-150. Closed the lid for another 10 minutes and got the same basic reading. 10 more minutes, same thing. At that point I pulled it off and cut into it. It was definitely cooked through, I was just getting low readings.
I probed the thickest part and got around 140-150. Closed the lid for another 10 minutes and got the same basic reading. 10 more minutes, same thing. At that point I pulled it off and cut into it. It was definitely cooked through, I was just getting low readings.

Yeah, I'm not to worried about IT when it comes to stuff like this. Ground meat cooks pretty quick. But I love smoked meatloaf.

I remember growing up we dreaded meatloaf night. Looking for another smoked meatloaf :thumb:

Great job Blaze. I wanted to cook one this weekend, but the rainy weather made it prohibitive. For me, not the smoker...