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I agree Girl...some Phabulous stuPh!!!:cool:

Great to hear you're Pheeling Phine again! :-D

Phu, thank you! Great to see you!
Hope all is well on your side of the world. Tell your Mom "Hi" for me! :mrgreen:
That's good news Jeanie, a meal like that will definitely put you on the road to full recovery.
Glad to hear that you are feeling better.That is one of the most delicious looking,down home meals I have ever had the privilege to view.That jam was the pinnacle. Well done as ALWAYS!:clap:
Jeanie, glad to hear that you're feeling better. Missed the smoked butter blog post the first time around and thanks for reposting it.
That's good news Jeanie, a meal like that will definitely put you on the road to full recovery.
Thank you Bill! I'm back to 100% now.. Feels great! :-D

Glad to hear that you are feeling better.That is one of the most delicious looking,down home meals I have ever had the privilege to view.That jam was the pinnacle. Well done as ALWAYS!:clap:
Very kind of you Hoss, thanks! :-D

Jeanie, glad to hear that you're feeling better. Missed the smoked butter blog post the first time around and thanks for reposting it.
Thanks Charles! That smoked butter is worth the effort. :-D

Looks wonderful Jeanie!!:clap:

Ross! So good to see you! Hope all is well... You're missed around here! Thanks Friend. :-D

I just ate but now I am hungry again...

Thank you Smokie! :-D
Glad to hear, and see, that you are feeling better, Jeanie. I intentionally waited until after I ate to open this, and I was right in doing so. This cook reminded me so much of the meals that my mom cooked when I was growing up. Identical methods, even down to canning her own jellies and preserves. Thanks!!
Glad to hear, and see, that you are feeling better, Jeanie. I intentionally waited until after I ate to open this, and I was right in doing so. This cook reminded me so much of the meals that my mom cooked when I was growing up. Identical methods, even down to canning her own jellies and preserves. Thanks!!

Thank you Ron!
Sounds like you grew up on home cookin' like me! :-D
That's over the top Miss Lady!
Our last summer was so damn dry ya had to scramble for huckleberries. I didn't get out till late in the season and had to get far out there. Between my and the bears on who was gonna get there first, lol
I get ya... huckleberries are so damn good!

That's over the top Miss Lady!
Our last summer was so damn dry ya had to scramble for huckleberries. I didn't get out till late in the season and had to get far out there. Between my and the bears on who was gonna get there first, lol
I get ya... huckleberries are so damn good!


Dang.. I wouldn't want to compete with bears! Hope you were able to find some Dave, I agree... they're mighty good eatin' for sure!
Thanks so much! :becky:
Bears favorite food! One of mine as well. If ya get out early ya can have at it pretty easy, if ya don't yer going far! Everybody up here goes berry picking so it can get scarce quick.
Helluva a meal ya threw together Miss Lady!

Bears favorite food! One of mine as well. If ya get out early ya can have at it pretty easy, if ya don't yer going far! Everybody up here goes berry picking so it can get scarce quick.
Helluva a meal ya threw together Miss Lady!


lol Darn.
I imagine the picking areas are busy! They certainly are delicious!
Thanks for the kind comment Dave. :thumb:
Yer welcome.
If ya ever find yerself in the area and want a bit of sport berry picking or watching bears... look me up. I'm the only Irish in town, lol

Yer welcome.
If ya ever find yerself in the area and want a bit of sport berry picking or watching bears... look me up. I'm the only Irish in town, lol


Thanks Dave, I might take you up on that someday. I'm a fan of berry pickin' and haven't been bear watching in a few years. That would be interesting! (from a good distance). lol
The Irishman... I'll remember to ask for ya. lol :thumb::-D

Lookin Good neighbor.

That right there would make anybody feel better!
Thanks so much Neighbor! Wish I had some of those dry aged ribs you just posted. Outstanding!! :cool:

This spurred me to fry up some pork cutlets last night. Pretty dang tasty! Thanks again, Cowgirl!

Lloyd, your pork cutlets sound great!! Now I'm hungry. Thanks for the idea and thanks for the kind comment! :-D