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Full Fledged Farker
Oct 23, 2013
South Florida
Name or Nickame
i cant be f'ing around this thanksgiving. my jealous sister (hosting the gathering) hates smoked meat with a passion. she thinks BBQ is for ignorant rednecks with zero education. i want to prove her wrong. to roast the most beautiful succulent bird that would make my Grandma proud!!!!

i have tried and tried and tried... and tried over and over again to get crispy skin on spatchcock chickens on the WSM 22 and have failed. ive done no pan, heater diffuser plate... higher temps up to 415 degress with no success. ive also done 24 hour air dry on a wire rack in the fridge. i dont know what it is about poultry, but that WSM is like... " Screw you, we want tender juicy meat, we aint doing crispy skin"!!!!!!

that being said... what do i have to do to get moist tender turkey flesh with crispy skin? no, i dont have an oil fryer or a gas grill. all i have is the WSM 22".

dry brine?

48 hour air dry on a wire rack with a high cpm fan blowing on the bird continuously non stop?

stab the skin with skewers all over the bird?

butter milk wet brine with salt?

soak bird in baking powder for 2 weeks?
I've been using the boiling water method with chicken (put chicken in a well cleaned sink, pour boiling water over it, pat dry and cook).
Rub some oil or butter over the skin of the turkey and increase the temperature to 350+. You will get crispy skin.

You can always use a butane torch as a backup, but I'd suggest practicing first.

P.S. I'd also air-dry in fridge a day or two with a light layer of salt or dry brine concoction.
Seconding the above - Any day you can play or practice with a torch is a good day in my book.

Your in a spot- trying to satisfy someone for whom that might be impossible - or just a ton or work/worry.

I guess if I cared more about turkey (I don't much) or was under your conditions, then I might go all Manhattan Project to get that "perfect skin".

Screw turkey- I'm having gumbo for Thanksgiving. All traditions had that "first time"- IMO,turkey was a mistake that has gone on all too log.

Good luck on your hunt.
I've been using the boiling water method with chicken (put chicken in a well cleaned sink, pour boiling water over it, pat dry and cook).

That sounds odd I don't see how that could possibly make skin crispy. I wonder if you did that with chicken wings would that give it the same effect
I've been using the boiling water method with chicken (put chicken in a well cleaned sink, pour boiling water over it, pat dry and cook).

I just watched the video on that and obviously it works dot I would like to do this after doing a 48 hour dry brining just to make certain that the skin comes out crispy.
I'm surprised at your previous failures. I've done the turkey in the WSM the last 5 years now, and it's ALWAYS come out with crispy skin and tender, juicy white meat. I .cook around 330-350

I wet brine, and only once have I left the bird uncovered on a rack overnight. The other years it was racked for only 4-5 hours.

I put a coat of EVOO on the skin just before cooking and stuff the cavity with oranges and onions.
Oranges and onion, not that sounds interesting. Going to have to try that. Is it a 50/50 mix if the two, or heavier on one than the other?
I just watched the video on that and obviously it works dot I would like to do this after doing a 48 hour dry brining just to make certain that the skin comes out crispy.
I've used it multiple times with chicken legs. I think I found a thread in this forum when I was searching on how to get crispy skin. I was getting either rubber or burnt to a crisp. I boil, pat dry, put on a cooling rack that's on a cookie sheet, season well and let them chill in the refrigerator for an hour.
As others have said, my go to is a bit of oil or butter on the skin. I like cooking at 325 to 350. I understand the competition with her opinion, but will she ever convert? Get a really ugly drum smoker and prove just how much of a read-neck you can be (no offense to those of the redneck nation and certainly not to drum users).